Web Design Agency Plymouth - Expert Web Designers

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  • Why do you need a web design agency?

    Hiring a web design agency presents a multitude of compelling advantages and is often an indispensable step in ensuring the success of your online presence. Firstly, web design agencies boast a professional expertise that spans a spectrum of critical domains, including graphic design, user experience (UX), user interface (UI) design, coding, and search engine optimisation (SEO). The combined knowledge and proficiency of their teams ensure that your website is developed to the most exacting standards, setting a strong foundation for your digital presence.

    Furthermore, web design agencies offer a level of customisation that is pivotal to aligning your website with your distinct business requirements and objectives. They invest time in comprehending your brand, industry, and target audience, culminating in a unique and personalised website that effortlessly distinguishes you from the competition.

    In a landscape increasingly dominated by mobile devices, the importance of a responsive website cannot be overstated. Web design agencies are adept at crafting designs that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent and satisfying user experience regardless of the device used.

    Beyond aesthetics, these agencies are well-versed in optimising your website’s performance. This encompasses various facets, including efficient coding practices, image optimisation techniques, and strategies for content delivery, all aimed at bolstering the speed and efficiency of your website.

    Additionally, web design agencies integrate fundamental SEO principles into your website’s architecture, enhancing its visibility to search engines. A well-structured website can significantly improve your chances of ranking favourably in search results, driving organic traffic to your site.

    By entrusting your website development to a web design agency, you free up valuable time and resources that would otherwise be expended on the intricacies of web development. This enables you to concentrate on your core business activities and strategic initiatives, maximising productivity and efficiency.

    Moreover, these agencies remain attuned to the latest advancements in web technologies and design trends. They are adept at implementing cutting-edge features and functionalities that not only keep your website on the cusp of innovation but also enhance its competitiveness.

    Ensuring that your website functions seamlessly across various web browsers is a challenge best handled by experts. Web design agencies rigorously test your site to ensure compatibility with popular browsers, guaranteeing that users have a consistent experience regardless of their browser preference.

    As your business expands, so too may your website’s requirements. Web design agencies possess the capability to scale your website effectively to accommodate changes and expansions, ensuring that it remains agile and adaptable to your evolving needs.

    Furthermore, a web design agency typically offers ongoing support and maintenance services. This entails regular updates, security enhancements, and troubleshooting to keep your website secure, up to date, and functioning optimally, thus preventing potential issues and downtime.

    Last but not least, web design agencies bring a creative flair to your website, making it visually captivating and engaging for visitors. They excel in crafting designs that effectively communicate your brand identity, fostering a lasting and memorable impression.

  • User Interface Design

    User interface (UI) design is an important step in web design. But rather than focusing on how the site looks and feels, UI design gets stuck into the underlying tech that really makes your website work well, to maximise the user experience and increases your brands awareness in Plymouth.

    If your website isn’t working to the best of its ability and customers can’t find what they need, pages don’t load quickly if at all, or the site is slow and clunky, the chances are they’ll ditch you and move on – and they won’t be coming back.

    A great UI design will help you reach your chosen web goals by successfully fulfilling your customer’s wants and needs – not just once, but time and again. Creating a defined and engaging path throughout your site – so customers can get the information they want and buy, book, or browse quickly – will keep it intuitive, boosting your conversions and amplifying user engagement. And that all adds up to happy customers who will keep coming back. Our web design service aims to create a dynamic and responsive website, so it not only looks great but also performs as good as it looks.

  • Expert Project Management

    At Priority Pixels, we understand that effective project management is the cornerstone of any successful web project. Whether you’re embarking on the creation of a new website, a redesign, or adding new features, our dedicated web project management team is here to ensure your project progresses seamlessly from start to finish.

    Our process begins with a comprehensive initial consultation, where we collaborate closely with you to define the objectives, scope, and specific requirements of your project. We place a strong emphasis on attentive listening to fully grasp your ideas and goals, ensuring a clear understanding of your unique vision.

    With a solid understanding of your project in hand, we move on to project planning. During this phase, we develop a detailed project plan that outlines key milestones, timelines, and deliverables. This plan serves as a guiding roadmap, ensuring that your project progresses as intended and stays within the designated budget.

    Effective project management also involves coordinating a diverse team of skilled professionals, including designers, developers, content creators, and quality assurance specialists. Our project managers excel at orchestrating these talents to work cohesively towards the successful realization of your project.

    Communication is pivotal in our project management approach. We maintain a culture of transparent and open communication, keeping you informed at every stage of the project. This includes regular updates on progress, promptly addressing any concerns, and actively seeking your input to ensure alignment with your expectations.

    We are well-versed in identifying and assessing potential project risks and challenges. Our project managers proactively develop strategies to mitigate these risks, safeguarding the project’s trajectory.

    Quality control is paramount, and we uphold the highest standards in all our web projects. Our project managers oversee rigorous quality control processes, meticulously evaluating every aspect, from design aesthetics to functional excellence.

    Before the project’s launch, we conduct exhaustive testing to identify and rectify any issues or bugs. We value your feedback and actively involve you in the testing phase to address any final adjustments or refinements.

    Once the project is refined and thoroughly tested, we orchestrate a seamless launch. Our project managers oversee the deployment process, ensuring that your website or web application goes live without a hitch.

    Our commitment extends beyond the launch. We provide ongoing post-launch support to address any issues, updates, or enhancements you may require as your business evolves.

    Finally, we evaluate and analyse the project’s performance, gather user feedback, and track key metrics to measure its success. This data guides our recommendations for further improvements and enhancements.

    In summary, our web project management services at Priority Pixels are tailored to ensure that your web project progresses efficiently, aligns with your objectives, and delivers exceptional results. With our experienced project management team at the helm, you can embark on your web project with confidence, knowing it will be completed on time, within budget, and to your utmost satisfaction.

  • WordPress Web Design

    At Priority Pixels, our WordPress web design services are meticulously tailored to empower businesses with a robust online presence. We deeply appreciate the versatility and power of WordPress, and our team of seasoned designers and developers harness its capabilities to craft websites that not only captivate visually but also excel in functionality. Our approach revolves around the concept of customisation, ensuring that WordPress aligns seamlessly with your unique brand identity and specific business objectives. Whether you seek a visually stunning portfolio site, a dynamic e-commerce platform, or a content-rich blog, we possess the expertise to bring your vision to life.

    Our commitment to excellence extends to vital facets of contemporary web design, including responsive design. Priority Pixels ensures that your WordPress site is optimised for every device, from mobile phones to desktop computers, offering users a consistently smooth and engaging experience. Additionally, we seamlessly integrate essential search engine optimisation (SEO) practices into your WordPress design, heightening your visibility on leading search engines like Google.

    For businesses venturing into online commerce, our WordPress e-commerce solutions provide a secure, user-friendly platform to showcase and sell your products or services. We leverage potent e-commerce plugins such as WooCommerce, which we customise meticulously to align precisely with your needs.

    Moreover, we empower you with the tools and knowledge to manage your website effortlessly. WordPress’s intuitive content management system (CMS) allows you to effortlessly update and oversee your site’s content. Priority Pixels offers comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure you feel confident in maintaining your website.

    In today’s digital landscape, security and speed are paramount. Thus, we deploy robust security measures to fortify your WordPress website against potential threats. Additionally, we fine-tune your site for swift loading times, enhancing user experience and elevating your search engine rankings.

    As your business evolves, so too should your website. WordPress’s scalability enables seamless expansion and the addition of new features. We adeptly integrate various WordPress plugins to extend your website’s functionality, encompassing elements like social media integration, contact forms, analytics, and more.

    Our dedication to your website’s prosperity doesn’t conclude with the initial launch. Priority Pixels provides comprehensive post-launch support, maintenance, and updates, ensuring your WordPress site remains secure, up to date, and perpetually optimised.

    Whether you embark on a new web project or seek to revitalise your existing WordPress website, Priority Pixels stands as your steadfast partner. With our meticulous attention to detail, creative ingenuity, and unwavering technical expertise, we are committed to realising your online goals and empowering you to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

  • LAMP Stack

    Building a website entails harnessing a set of open-source software components collectively known as LAMP, an acronym representing the four foundational elements of its construction: Linux as the operating system, Apache as the HTTP server, MySQL as the database system, and PHP as the programming language. While the specific software components within the LAMP stack may vary among web developers, the ultimate objective remains consistent: the creation of dynamic websites and web applications.


    As with any substantial endeavour, a solid foundation is essential. Linux serves as the bedrock of every LAMP stack. This free and open-source operating system provides the platform upon which all other layers of the stack are built. It provides the stability and reliability required for the smooth operation of web applications.


    Formally known as the Apache HTTP Server, Apache is an open-source software system designed for web servers. Its role is to serve websites to the vast expanse of the internet. Apache acts as the intermediary that translates user requests entered into web browsers and directs them to the respective websites.


    Websites, much like any computer system, need the ability to both receive and store data. MySQL fulfils this pivotal function. It serves as the repository for the database information accessed by scripts during the construction of websites. Given its status as open-source software, MySQL enjoys widespread popularity among developers globally and is trusted for its reliability and performance.


    The final layer within the LAMP stack is PHP, a server-side scripting language integral to web development. PHP, which stands for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,” is extensively employed in web development. It integrates HTML, the markup language used for website structure, allowing developers to code and render web pages dynamically.

    In summary, the LAMP stack forms the cornerstone of web development, combining these four open-source elements to construct dynamic and responsive websites and web applications. Each component plays a vital role in ensuring the functionality, performance, and interactivity of modern websites.


How long does it take to design a website?

The timeline for designing a website can vary depending on the complexity of the project, its specific requirements, and the scope of work involved. In general, a typical timeframe for designing a website can range from 4 to 8 weeks for small to medium-sized business websites. However, more complex projects or those requiring extensive customisation may take longer.

To provide you with a more accurate estimate for your project, we recommend contacting us for a consultation. During this consultation, we can discuss your specific needs and goals, which will enable us to provide a more precise timeline for the design and development of your website. Our aim is to ensure that your website is crafted with care and attention to detail while also meeting your desired launch date.

What's the cost of web design services?

The cost of our web design services can vary depending on the specific requirements and scope of your project. We offer tailored pricing to match your unique needs and budget. To provide you with an accurate cost estimate, we typically conduct an initial consultation to better understand your project’s complexities and your desired outcomes.

We believe in transparent and competitive pricing, ensuring that you receive the best value for your investment. Please get in touch with us so that we can discuss your project in detail and provide you with a customised quote that aligns with your expectations and business goals.

Will my website be optimised for search engines (SEO)?

Yes, absolutely. As an integral part of our web design services, we implement basic search engine optimisation (SEO) practices to ensure that your website is search engine friendly. While our primary focus is on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website, we incorporate SEO elements during the design and development process. This includes optimising site structure, meta tags, image descriptions, and ensuring fast loading times – all of which contribute to better search engine visibility.

However, for more advanced and ongoing SEO efforts, we also offer separate SEO services. These services involve in-depth keyword research, content optimisation, backlink building, and continuous monitoring to help improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your site. Whether you opt for our basic SEO integration or our comprehensive SEO services, our goal is to enhance your website’s online visibility and performance.

Do you provide ongoing support after the website is live?

Yes, we are committed to providing ongoing support and assistance even after your website is live. Our dedication to your website’s success extends beyond the initial launch. We offer post-launch support services to ensure that your website remains secure, up-to-date, and fully functional.

Our support includes regular maintenance to address any technical issues, perform updates, and make necessary improvements. We are also available to assist with content updates, additional features, or any modifications you may require as your business evolves.

Our goal is to be your trusted partner in maintaining and enhancing your online presence, ensuring that your website continues to meet your business needs effectively. You can rely on us for ongoing technical support and expert guidance to maximise the value of your website.

Do you design responsive websites for Plymouth companies?

Absolutely, we specialise in designing responsive websites for Plymouth-based companies. A responsive website is essential in today’s digital landscape as it ensures that your website functions seamlessly and looks great on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Our web design services are tailored to create websites that not only adapt to different screen sizes but also offer an optimal user experience across all platforms. Whether you’re targeting local or global audiences in Plymouth, we ensure that your website is accessible and user-friendly, regardless of the device your visitors are using.

What content management system (CMS) do you use?

We primarily utilise WordPress as our content management system (CMS) of choice. WordPress is a highly versatile and user-friendly platform that empowers you to easily manage and update your website’s content. Its extensive range of plugins and themes, along with its strong community support, ensures flexibility and scalability for your website. However, if you have a preference for a different CMS or require a specific system to align with your needs, we are flexible and can accommodate alternative CMS options to best suit your requirements.

What sets Priority Pixels web design services apart from others?

What distinguishes our web design services from others is our unwavering commitment to delivering tailored solutions that align with your specific business goals and brand identity. We take a personalised approach by collaborating closely with you, ensuring that your website reflects your unique vision and objectives. Our team of experienced designers pays meticulous attention to every detail, from layout and typography to user experience and functionality, resulting in a polished and professional website. Moreover, we have a strategic focus, designing websites that strategically drive your business forward, boost online presence, engagement, and conversion rates.

With a track record of successful web design projects spanning various industries, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. This allows us to deliver results that consistently exceed expectations. Our websites are optimised for mobile devices, ensuring seamless access from smartphones, tablets, and desktops. We integrate basic search engine optimisation (SEO) principles into our design process to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines.

Prioritising user experience, we craft intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that keep your visitors engaged and encourage desired actions. Throughout the design process, we maintain open and transparent communication, keeping you informed and involved every step of the way. Our commitment doesn’t end with the website launch; we provide ongoing support, updates, and maintenance to ensure your site remains secure and up to date.

All of this is offered at competitive pricing that reflects the quality and value of our services. Ultimately, our success is measured by your satisfaction, and we go the extra mile to deliver a website that helps you achieve your business objectives. In summary, what sets us apart is our dedication to delivering customised, strategic, and user-centric web design solutions that empower your business to thrive in the digital landscape.

Can I see examples of websites you've designed?

Certainly! We have a portfolio showcasing a selection of websites we’ve designed for various clients across different industries. These examples provide insights into our design capabilities, versatility, and the quality of work we deliver. To view our portfolio and explore these website examples, please visit [insert website link or contact us for direct access to our portfolio](insert contact details). We believe our portfolio will give you a clear sense of our design style and expertise, demonstrating how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs and objectives.

I'm not satisfied with my current web designer. Can I transition to Priority Pixels?

If you find yourself dissatisfied with the level of service provided by your current web design agency, rest assured that we are more than willing to step in and assist. We’ve welcomed numerous clients who have made the transition from other web design agencies to us, often due to a sense that their expectations were not being met elsewhere. Furthermore, we can facilitate the seamless transfer of your domains and hosting to our platform. Customer service is a core value at Priority Pixels, and we are deeply committed to ensuring your satisfaction. Therefore, if you’re contemplating relocating your website, we encourage you to initiate a conversation with us first to explore how we can be of service.

Should you wish to peruse some of our reviews, we invite you to visit our Google My Business and Trustpilot pages for an insightful glimpse into our clients’ experiences.

Do you provide SEO services?

Indeed, we provide a wide-ranging suite of SEO services within the framework of our web design and digital marketing offerings. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a fundamental pillar of a thriving online presence, and we acknowledge its pivotal role in advancing your business interests in Plymouth.


Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by David Bell Quote

We have been working with Priority Pixels for three years and during that time we have successfully launched and developed our website. Priority Pixels was in at the start and initially constructed our website and subsequently has helped to develop it with more and better features. They have always been on hand to answer queries and provide general support which we greatly appreciate. Since its launch our website's traffic has steadily grown and has exceeded our projections. I would not hesitate to recommend Priority Pixels to anybody thinking of launching a website.

Living with Schizophrenia, Plymouth

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Frazer Lloyd-Davies Quote

Priority Pixels have worked on our SEO for some time now, and we've been very impressed with their efforts. They've helped our SEO improve across the board, and have done so in a professional, simple to understand and effective manner. They're fairly priced, easy to work with and we'd therefore strongly recommend working with them.

Acronyms, Plymouth

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Ben Watterson Quote

After taking some time to consider alternative web development companies, I decided to go with Priority Pixels and I'm so glad I did. Paul and his team have been absolutely fantastic. Their knowledge and creativity is nothing short of amazing and nothing ever seem to be a problem. As a business owner, there are enough challenges to deal with on a daily basis, however for me, one of those challenges are now more than being taken care of by Paul and his expert team.

Care Projects, Plymouth

5/ 5stars
Google Review

Case Studies

Web Design Case Studies

Brand refresh, web design and copy for leading accountancy firm

For more than 80 years, Darnells have been one of the leading accountancy and financial advisory firms in the South West. With a proven track record in providing the very best accountancy services in their community, the team of chartered accountants, tax advisors, financial experts and probate administrators at Darnells have garnered themselves a well-earned reputation for dynamic, forward-thinking financial solutions that go above and beyond.

Initially looking for a new website it quickly became apparent Darnells needed help refreshing their brand, which hadn’t been updated in several years. Priority Pixels graphic designers and copywriters worked closely with Darnells to create a set of brand guidelines to help guide the project, ensuring the website and future marketing activity remains aligned.

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Bespoke web design and digital marketing for London based Estate Agency

Serving the vibrant and diverse communities across North and East London, Castles is a successful, privately owned independent estate agency. Established in 1981, the team at Castles boasts over four decades of experience in professional estate agency services.

With a number of offices across London, Priority Pixels were initially brought in to help improve each of the offices local web presence. This was achieved with a mix of local SEO and targeted paid search campaigns which focused on a small radius around each of the offices. Creative, SEO friendly copy was written to help enhance the sites office and area guide pages, resulting in improved positions in the SERPs.

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Full website redesign for globally renowned children's play centre franchise

Gymboree Play & Music first came to Priority Pixels seeking help with their website. The brand currently encompasses multiple franchises in over 30 different countries, with branches in the USA, Canada, China and the United Kingdom among others.

Visually, Gymboree Play & Music’s web presence needed a significant refresh. The web development team at Priority Pixels were asked to build a modern, aesthetically appealing website that was search engine optimised, utilised white space and simplified the user journey. The previous website was cluttered and difficult to navigate, not to mention visually outdated. Although the site was both responsive and optimised for mobile, it was also text-heavy with very little imagery.

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Group website redesign, copy, photography and video for leading global provider of marine support services

V.Group is the leading independent provider of global maritime support services with a force of over 44,000 active sea workers. Covering catering, crew, technical services, and ship and crew management, all on board and offshore colleagues have support from an onshore team over 3,000 across 31 countries.

With over 20 brands to their name, the group website had become bloated and difficult to navigate. V.Group needed a new website to showcase the increasing number of maritime support services they offer, as well as the brands that manage them.

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Brand refresh, web design and copy for leading accountancy firm Bespoke web design and digital marketing for London based Estate Agency Full website redesign for globally renowned children's play centre franchise Group website redesign, copy, photography and video for leading global provider of marine support services
Digital Marketing Agency

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We know how daunting the digital world can be; whatever your project, no matter how big or small, we're here to help. Book a call or drop us an email and we can discuss your exact requirements.

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