SEO Agency Plymouth | Professional SEO Services Plymouth

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Technical SEO

Our Technical SEO services offer a strategic and data-driven approach to optimise website architecture, improve performance, and enhance indexing and crawling, ultimately boosting search engine visibility and driving organic traffic.

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Keyword Research

Our Keyword Research services leverage advanced tools and industry insights to identify high-value keywords, uncover search trends and develop a targeted keyword strategy that maximises organic visibility, drives qualified traffic and improves overall search engine rankings.

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Link Building Services

Priority Pixels excels in delivering strategic link building solutions. These services not only boost your website's authority but also attract targeted traffic and enhance your search engine rankings.

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Local SEO

Local SEO is focused on optimising a business's online presence to increase visibility in local search results. It is crucial for businesses with physical locations or service areas to attract nearby customers.

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E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a concept that originated from Google's search quality guidelines and plays a crucial role in determining the quality and credibility of web pages.

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SEO Audit

We offer comprehensive SEO audit services to analyse your website's performance, identify optimisation opportunities, and provide actionable recommendations for improved search engine visibility.

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  • Why do you need an SEO Agency?

    Research & Discovery

    To craft the ideal solution tailored to your unique objectives, a deep understanding of your website, business, SEO, and social requirements is paramount. We embark on this journey through a comprehensive audit, delving deeply into your circumstances.

    Technical SEO in Plymouth

    Technical SEO constitutes a substantial component of our expertise. Prior to committing to any marketing initiatives, it’s essential to ensure that your website is technically aligned with SEO best practices. Allow us to assist you in achieving just that.

    Content Marketing & Outreach

    Our repertoire includes the creation of compelling, shareable content, astute digital PR, and meaningful engagement with relevant bloggers and influencers. Numerous avenues exist for implementing strategies that yield exceptional SEO performance. As a dedicated SEO agency, Priority Pixels boasts an in-house team of marketing specialists who meticulously plan, source, and execute outstanding content across all platforms.

    Organic Results & Genuine Customers

    Fine-tuning your site’s SEO equips you with the tools to secure higher rankings, increased organic search results, and access to authentic customers actively seeking your products and services. As a comprehensive digital agency, we can help you design a marketing strategy that encompasses paid search options, but our initial focus will always be on perfecting your essential organic SEO.

  • Backlink Analysis

    Backlinks are a cornerstone of SEO ranking, wielding significant influence on your website’s performance. Credible backlinks can propel your ranking upwards, while poor or weak ones can have detrimental effects, dragging your site down in search engine results.

    In the pursuit of achieving pivotal rankings, it is imperative to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages associated with your site’s backlink portfolio. A robust backlink foundation enhances your prospects of securing a prominent position in organic search results. Conversely, if your backlink profile is feeble or plagued with issues, it can act as a hindrance, impeding your site’s overall performance and search rankings.

    Hence, our meticulous backlink analysis serves as a critical tool in this landscape, allowing us to scrutinise the strengths and vulnerabilities of your backlinks. Armed with this invaluable data, we can assist you by:

    1. Identifying and eliminating any detrimental, corrupt, or harmful links within your site’s backlink network.
    2. Enhancing your backlink profile while safeguarding against algorithmic or manual penalties that could jeopardise your SEO efforts.
    3. Devising a tailored strategy to acquire the right kind of backlinks that align with your SEO objectives.

    Tracking Site Performance

    Have you observed a decline in your SEO visibility, keyword performance, or organic site traffic? Such declines may result from penalties stemming from significant search engine algorithm alterations.

    Google Webmaster Tools

    Have you received a ‘manual action’ message within your Google Search Console? This serves as Google’s notification of ‘unnatural’ backlinks on your site that need attention.

    Linking Metrics

    Are your linking metrics exhibiting a healthy profile? Our scrutiny includes factors such as the deep link ratio, anchor texts, the distribution of follow and nofollow links, referring domains, link types, and link velocity.

    Our comprehensive backlink analysis is pivotal to your organic search campaign and plays a vital role in devising an effective link-earning and content marketing strategy.

    As part of our service, we relish the opportunity to assist you in understanding your competition. By conducting a thorough competitor backlink audit, we uncover their strategic approaches, identifying untapped opportunities. We then seamlessly integrate these insights into your campaign, incorporating swift and advantageous enhancements. The process unfolds as follows:

    1. Gain a profound understanding of your long-term strategy, goals, and challenges.
    2. Download and meticulously analyse your competitors’ backlink profiles.
    3. Compare their profiles with your own, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses.
    4. Strategically decide on swift and advantageous additions to your backlink portfolio.
    5. Collaboratively develop a bespoke link-earning and content marketing strategy, optimised for your unique objectives.
  • SEO Audits

    An SEO audit serves a crucial role for several reasons. Firstly, it helps identify a spectrum of issues that might be hindering a website’s performance, encompassing technical glitches, on-page inadequacies, or off-page concerns. These issues, such as broken links, duplicate content, or slow page load times, can significantly affect a site’s search engine rankings and overall visibility.

    Secondly, an SEO audit contributes to enhancing user experience. Beyond catering to search engines, it addresses usability and design issues, ensuring that visitors find your site engaging and user-friendly. Moreover, regular audits help websites stay competitive by monitoring competitors and adjusting SEO strategies accordingly.

    Thirdly, an SEO audit helps optimise content by evaluating its quality and relevance. This process allows for the improvement of existing content, creation of new materials, and effective keyword targeting to better align with user intent.

    Furthermore, audits address mobile optimisation, an increasingly crucial factor with the surge in mobile device usage. By identifying and rectifying mobile responsiveness issues, websites can cater to a broader audience.

    Additionally, SEO audits play a role in remedying penalties imposed by search engines for guideline violations. By understanding the reasons behind penalties, websites can make necessary corrections and regain lost rankings.

    Moreover, regular audits provide benchmarks for measuring SEO progress over time, allowing for the refinement of strategies and tactics. This, in turn, ensures the efficient allocation of resources towards the most effective SEO efforts.

    In conclusion, an SEO audit is a proactive approach to maintaining and enhancing a website’s performance in search engines. It facilitates issue identification and resolution, supports competitiveness, and ultimately leads to better search engine rankings, resulting in increased organic traffic and improved online visibility.

  • Content Audit

    As an integral component of our comprehensive service, we eagerly seize the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your competitive landscape. This involves conducting a meticulous competitor backlink audit, allowing us to uncover the strategies employed by your industry rivals. This invaluable insight empowers us to pinpoint untapped opportunities within your niche, areas ripe for exploration and exploitation. Subsequently, we seamlessly integrate these discoveries into your campaign, swiftly incorporating any feasible and advantageous enhancements. Our methodology unfolds in a series of strategic steps:

    Firstly, we begin by comprehending your long-term strategic goals and the specific challenges your business faces within its industry. This sets the foundation for our approach.

    Next, we meticulously collect and analyse the backlink profiles of your competitors, leaving no stone unturned. This step provides us with comprehensive insights into their linking strategies and practices.

    We then cross-reference the data obtained from your competitors’ profiles with your own link profile, allowing us to discern overlaps, strengths, and areas of potential improvement.

    With a keen eye for detail, we meticulously assess the quality and impact of the identified links, distinguishing between strong, influential ones and weaker ones that may require attention.

    Armed with this knowledge, we strategically determine which links can be swiftly and effectively added to your portfolio to bolster your SEO efforts.

    Lastly, we collaborate closely with you to develop a tailored link-earning and content marketing strategy that aligns precisely with your unique objectives, leveraging the insights gleaned from the competitor backlink audit.

    By following this comprehensive process, we empower you with a competitive edge, enabling you to navigate your industry with a strategic advantage and make informed decisions that enhance your online presence.

  • Content Optimisation

    What does content optimisation entail, you might ask? Well, it’s the art of ensuring your content reaches the widest possible audience within search results. It’s your ticket to not only appearing prominently in direct search results but also cropping up in related searches. The lifeblood of your website lies in the traffic it draws, and the success of that quest hinges on how finely tuned your content is. When executed correctly, content optimisation opens the floodgates to a surge in organic search traffic.

    A substantial chunk of the SEO puzzle involves understanding the keywords and phrases people employ in their online searches. It’s not merely about selecting a single keyword and peppering it liberally throughout your pages. Instead, it’s about encompassing related words and phrases to ensure that your content caters to a spectrum of user queries, including those posed as questions.

    So, how can Priority Pixels elevate your content optimisation game? Well, we harness the power of online tools like SearchMetrics to pinpoint precise ways to enhance your content. This tool grants us invaluable insights into the keywords utilised by your competitors, offering a glimpse into alternative terms and phrases that can give your content a significant boost. Armed with this vital information, you’ll witness an upswing in your search performance, leading to increased traffic and conversions.

    But that’s not all. We don’t limit our content optimisation prowess to keywords alone. Today’s Google search results don’t just showcase content; they also display crucial business information and user reviews. Through the utilisation of schema markup and microdata, we can seamlessly integrate this data into your website, making it more accessible to search engines. The result? An amplified influx of click-throughs and conversions, as search engines lead more users to your content.

  • Technical SEO Plymouth

    Are your website visitors primarily coming from organic search results? If not, it’s possible that on-site issues are impeding your progress. Technical SEO optimisation lays a sturdy foundation for your website, ensuring all the essential components are in place. Mastery of these intricacies facilitates swifter and easier discovery by search engines, which in turn benefits both your target audience and your conversion rates.

    Now, you might wonder, is technical SEO optimisation genuinely that crucial? In a single word, yes. Even if you have a fully equipped, smoothly functioning website that offers an outstanding user experience, without technical SEO optimisation, your SEO efforts could plummet. This is because search engines have distinct priorities compared to your site’s users. Behind the scenes, your website must meet all the criteria set by search engines to complement its user-facing excellence.

    So, what does our technical optimisation encompass? Technical SEO optimisation spans a multitude of diverse areas, each wielding influence over your website’s SEO performance and ultimate success. To simplify the complex landscape, we comprehensively address all aspects.

    We dive deep into the technical intricacies, ranging from your overall website speed and methods to enhance it, down to the finer details of site architecture, URL structures, and internal links. We scrutinise site security, subdomains, redirections, and any other potential factors holding your website back.

    Search engine ranking algorithms are intricate and finely tuned entities. They evaluate hundreds of elements across your website to determine the relevance of keywords to specific search queries. Technical SEO optimisation tackles any lingering issues within your website and rectifies them, allowing search engine bots to crawl your site without constraints.

    Crawl Optimisation is a pivotal aspect of our approach. Ensuring the swift and efficient crawling of your entire website by search engines is essential. This accelerates the search for pertinent information during user queries and prevents the depletion of the search engine’s crawl budget—a particularly beneficial feature if your site boasts an extensive array of pages.

    Our journey commences with an exhaustive website crawl, mirroring the actions of search engines, to acquire an accurate overview of your site’s status. Subsequently, we dissect the data using diverse webmaster tools, gaining insights into how search engines perceive your site and any errors they may encounter.

    While interactive elements and dynamic user content enhance the user experience, they can pose challenges for search engines in their quest to locate information. We ensure that the correct indexing protocols are in place, conforming to up-to-date web standards to mitigate these issues.

    As users access your site through various devices, including smartphones and tablets, it’s imperative to cater to mobile ranking algorithms employed by search engines. Our expertise in site optimisation safeguards your organic search ranking, especially when search algorithms favour mobile-friendly websites.

    A well-defined internal link structure acts as a vital pathway for search engine crawlers, aiding them in discovering relevant content on your site while defining your site’s hierarchy—a crucial component in managing the flow of link authority across websites.

    Lastly, server configuration, often overlooked, undergoes scrutiny to identify and rectify errors. Errors in server configuration can lead to site duplication, detrimental to your SEO efforts. We also delve into backlink profiles and examine your server’s geolocation, completing the thorough scope of our technical SEO optimisation.

  • E-A-T and why it's important

    In one of Google’s recent algorithm updates, they placed considerable emphasis on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, deeming them among the top three most critical factors for page quality ratings. So, if you’re uncertain about what E-A-T entails and its implications for your content, it’s high time to delve into this concept.

    Expertise holds a paramount role. Regardless of your business’s nature, establishing yourself as an expert in your field is imperative. While expertise might not carry as much weight for light-hearted websites revolving around humour or gossip, it becomes absolutely crucial for domains dealing with medical, financial, or legal matters. Being perceived as an expert signifies your ability to craft valuable and insightful main content (MC) for your website, enriching the experience for your users.

    Authoritativeness is the next pillar. When you, as an expert, curate content for your website, it’s imperative to demonstrate your authority on the subject matter. This can be achieved by leveraging your personal expertise or by referencing the expertise of the content creator or your website as a whole. Possessing relevant credentials or qualifications undoubtedly strengthens your authority, but the icing on the cake lies in amassing reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients or customers.

    Trustworthiness, the third cornerstone, permeates every aspect of your website. It should exude an aura of trust to instil confidence in your visitors regarding you and your business. Testimonials and reviews once again play a significant role in this aspect. However, trust should also emanate from your site’s content. This element assumes an even more critical role for e-commerce websites relying on online transactions. Prioritising the incorporation of an SSL certificate into your site is imperative, as it stands as one of Google’s top-ranking factors, cementing the foundation of trust in your online presence.


What does an SEO agency do?

An SEO agency is composed of a proficient team of SEO experts dedicated to enhancing the online visibility of businesses. Their primary objective is to improve rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). By closely collaborating with your business, they provide invaluable guidance on effectively optimizing your website. The team members within an SEO agency possess expertise across various facets of search engine optimization (SEO), enabling them to craft a comprehensive and meticulous strategy to ensure the full optimization of your website.

The commitment of an SEO agency extends to taking strategic measures to foster the growth of your business, all while ensuring you are well-informed about the impact of these improvements on your site. Some of the critical SEO tasks undertaken by such agencies encompass a complete SEO audit to identify areas for enhancement, both on-page and off-page, backlink analysis to evaluate the quality and relevance of backlinks, content optimization to enhance the quality and relevance of your website’s content, and technical SEO to address aspects such as website speed and mobile-friendliness. Additionally, structured data implementation is added to enhance search engines’ understanding of your content, and rendering optimization ensures your website is efficiently displayed across various devices and browsers. In essence, an SEO agency adopts a holistic approach to both on-page and off-page SEO strategies, aiming to organically elevate your website’s position in search engine rankings, ultimately driving more traffic and generating valuable leads for your business.

How long for SEO to take effect?

Achieving a prominent position on the first page of Google search results is a process that unfolds gradually and demands a multifaceted approach to SEO. It’s important to understand that there’s no instant solution for this. Effective SEO involves a range of variables, some of which are ongoing and long-term, such as consistently creating relevant and valuable content for your website. Other factors, like optimizing page speed by resizing images, can yield quicker results but may still take some time before you witness their full impact. In essence, the timeline for achieving high search engine rankings depends on a multitude of factors, and each website’s journey is unique. Additionally, the budget allocated for SEO work can influence the speed of progress.

Certain SEO ranking elements are beyond your immediate control, such as domain age and domain authority. Search engines tend to favor older, more established websites because they are perceived as more trustworthy and reliable sources of information for users’ queries.

For entirely new websites, it’s essential to acknowledge that it may take up to six months or longer before you start to see your website gaining traction in terms of rankings and user engagement. However, this progress typically relies on consistent and dedicated SEO efforts from an experienced SEO agency. It’s crucial to dispel the notion that you can fully optimize your website in one swift effort and expect it to rapidly ascend the rankings. Achieving and maintaining a high search engine ranking is a long-term endeavor, often spanning months or even years of sustained SEO work. Success in the world of SEO demands patience, persistence, and a tailored approach to meet the unique needs of your website.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO plays a pivotal role in the overarching SEO strategy for your website. Its primary objective is to ensure that your website is meticulously optimised to facilitate seamless crawling and indexing by search engine bots. If your website isn’t effectively crawled and scanned, it won’t be indexed properly, diminishing its visibility in search results. The term ‘Technical SEO’ encompasses the technical components of your website, including the underlying code that forms its foundation. The core mission of technical SEO is to fine-tune these building blocks to enhance your website’s usability and responsiveness.

A central aspect of technical SEO revolves around ensuring that your website is not only mobile-friendly but also responsive on a variety of devices. Google has already embarked on its journey towards a mobile-first indexing approach, a move initiated in September 2020. Thus, optimising your website to adapt and display optimally across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices is a critical facet of bolstering your technical SEO.

In addition to mobile responsiveness, technical SEO encompasses several other vital aspects. It involves optimising your site’s loading speed, creating a secure browsing environment for your visitors by implementing SSL encryption, generating XML sitemaps to aid search engines in comprehending your website’s structure during the crawling process, and integrating structured data mark-up code to provide search engines with contextual information about the content on your webpages. Registering your website with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools is also part of the technical SEO strategy, enabling you to manually submit your webpages for indexing, monitor their performance, and receive valuable insights.

To ensure your website’s technical strength and compliance with these critical aspects, enlisting the expertise of an SEO agency is often a wise choice. Their proficiency in navigating the intricate realm of technical SEO can help optimise your website, boost its search engine visibility, and enhance the overall user experience, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your site.

What is on page SEO?

On-page SEO, also referred to as on-site SEO, encompasses the process of optimising the content present on your web pages. Ensuring that the content on your website is fully optimised not just for your customers but also for search engines is instrumental in boosting your rankings in search results pages and driving increased organic traffic to your website. On-page SEO plays a pivotal role in helping search engines comprehend the context and relevance of your content in response to user search queries.

On-page SEO entails scrutinising various aspects of your website, including the frequency of keyword usage on each page and the effective use of headings to structure your content. The readability of your content is also a critical factor influencing your on-page SEO score. Dividing lengthy passages of text with subheadings enhances the user experience by making it easier for readers to absorb information. The strategic placement of keywords or phrases throughout the text reaffirms the page’s subject matter to search engines.

Another important consideration for enhancing on-page SEO is the integration of external links. Linking to other pages that share the same topic provides additional context to search engines regarding the focus of your web pages. It also demonstrates that the information on your website is reliable and of high quality. Meta titles and descriptions, which are displayed in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), constitute the first interaction that searchers have with your content. Including relevant keywords in both your meta title and description can contribute to an increased click-through rate.

Certain aspects of on-page SEO overlap with technical SEO. Ensuring that your images are appropriately sized enables you to maintain image quality while simultaneously improving the loading speed of your web pages, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

How much do SEO services cost?

The cost of SEO services is not set in stone and varies depending on the specific SEO requirements of your website. Every website’s SEO needs are unique, so the pricing is closely tied to your website’s current level of optimisation. Typically, a completely new website will likely require more extensive SEO work than an older, more established one. It’s important to note that each SEO agency will provide a different quote for their services. While some SEO agencies offer predefined SEO packages with fixed monthly fees, these may not be suitable for everyone, as they may include services you don’t actually need.

We strongly recommend conducting a comprehensive SEO audit of your website before committing to any SEO work. This audit not only helps identify the specific SEO tasks that need attention but also enables you to establish a budget and define a monthly expenditure based on your website’s unique needs. By doing so, you can ensure that you are only investing in the SEO services that will genuinely benefit your site, aligning your expenditure with your objectives and optimising the value you receive from your chosen SEO agency.

Does duplicate content affect SEO?

Duplicate content is precisely as it sounds – it refers to the presence of two or more pieces of content that are either identical or highly similar. Think of it as akin to copying someone else’s work. While having similar content to other websites within the same industry is often inevitable, it’s crucial to ensure that your content retains its uniqueness and distinctiveness, reflecting your business’s individuality.

Duplicate content can be categorised into two types. Internal duplicate content occurs when a single domain features identical content across different internal URLs. On the other hand, external duplicate content is identified when search engines encounter the exact same content on different domains.

Although Google has indicated that there is no explicit SEO penalty for duplicate content, it does pose challenges for search engines. When confronted with identical content on various domains, search engines must determine which version should be ranked higher. Consequently, even if you are the original creator of the content and have meticulously optimised it, there is no guarantee that your version will outrank the duplicate content. In practice, search engines rarely display multiple versions of the same content in search results. Therefore, if your website contains duplicate content, or if your content has been duplicated elsewhere, it can adversely affect your visibility and engagement rates.

Engaging the services of an SEO agency can be invaluable in identifying and addressing any duplicate content on your site. They can provide recommendations and strategies for reworking the content to ensure it no longer falls under the category of duplication, thereby enhancing your website’s search engine visibility and overall performance.

Are backlinks important for SEO?

Backlinks, in the context of SEO, occur when other websites link to your own, typically through a different webpage or online platform. These backlinks play a pivotal role in enhancing your off-page SEO ranking, contributing to three primary areas of improvement. They serve as indicators of validity to search engines, facilitate the discovery of new content during subsequent website scans, and augment your referral traffic.

When high-ranking websites, particularly those relevant to your industry, link to your website, it signals to search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable. This endorsement acts as a vote of confidence in the quality and reliability of your content. As search engine bots periodically re-crawl and scan webpages to ensure the most up-to-date information for searchers, backlinks on these pages assist them in discovering fresh and relevant content.

Referral traffic measures the number of individuals who visit your website through a backlink on another website. This metric provides valuable insights to search engines, indicating how useful other users have found the information on your website. Backlinks located on pages with high levels of traffic are more likely to generate increased referral traffic to your site.

The cumulative effect of accumulating more backlinks to your website is a noticeable improvement in your ranking within search engine results pages. The greater the number of reputable websites linking to your content, the higher your website is likely to appear in search results, ultimately enhancing your online visibility and credibility.

What to ask an SEO agency?

Understanding the right questions to pose to an SEO agency is a critical phase in determining the ideal partner for your needs. Here are some key inquiries that you should consider:

How can your SEO services contribute to the growth of our business?

Seek insights into the specific strategies and approaches the agency employs to drive business growth through improved online visibility and organic traffic.

What is your process for executing SEO tasks?

Gain a comprehensive understanding of their workflow, from initial assessments and keyword research to on-page and off-page optimisation, as well as ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

What tools do you utilise for various SEO activities?

Enquire about the tools and technologies the agency leverages for tasks like keyword analysis, site auditing, and performance tracking, as these tools can significantly impact the effectiveness of their services.

Can you provide examples or case studies demonstrating how you’ve assisted other companies in boosting their search rankings?

Request evidence of their past successes, which can offer valuable insights into their expertise and track record.

Will you furnish us with regular reports, and if so, how frequently?

Clarify the frequency and format of the reports you can expect. Regular reporting helps you stay informed about the progress of your SEO efforts.

What information or access will you require from my business?

Ensure you are aware of the data and resources the agency may need from your end to facilitate their SEO work effectively. This may include access to your website, analytics tools, or historical data.

Is a contract necessary, and what are its terms?

Discuss the contractual aspects, including the duration, terms, and conditions of the agreement, to ensure both parties are aligned on expectations and commitments.

By posing these questions to a potential SEO agency, you can gain a clearer understanding of their capabilities, approach, and compatibility with your business goals, ultimately aiding in your decision-making process.

What to expect from an SEO agency?

Collaborating with an SEO agency grants you access to a skilled team, each possessing diverse expertise, all working together to comprehensively optimise your website. SEO encompasses a multifaceted approach to digital marketing, where the involvement of various specialists may be necessary. For instance, enlisting the services of a copywriter can enhance the quality and relevance of your website’s content, while a web developer ensures the structural integrity and seamless functionality of your site.

When engaging with a reputable SEO agency, there are certain expectations you should have. First and foremost, you should anticipate a thorough SEO audit of your existing website. This audit serves as a crucial starting point, offering insights into the current level of optimisation on your site and highlighting areas that require improvement.

Furthermore, a credible SEO agency will delve into comprehensive research, not only focusing on your website but also scrutinising your competitors. This competitive analysis equips the SEO agency with valuable insights to formulate a robust strategy aimed at elevating your website’s ranking above that of your competitors.

By harnessing the collective expertise of an SEO agency, you can embark on a journey towards improved search engine visibility, ultimately bolstering your online presence and competitive edge.

How significantly does site speed influence SEO?

In today’s online landscape, the majority of users exhibit a short attention span. According to a recent survey, a mere 50% of internet users indicated their willingness to wait for longer than 15 seconds for a website to load. Many expressed that a protracted loading time might deter them from revisiting the site in the future.

The importance of preserving your website’s loading speed extends beyond visitor satisfaction; it is also integral to maintaining a strong SEO performance. Search engines are driven to provide swift and efficient results to users. Sluggish loading speeds can lead to a short time spent on your site and high bounce rates, where users exit your site without exploring other pages. Such outcomes can result in search engines relegating your site to lower positions in search results.

In the realm of SEO strategy, your site’s speed stands shoulder to shoulder with essential practices like keyword research and maintaining a relevant blog. Ensuring that your website hosting environment is optimally configured to promote swift loading times is paramount to your overall success and can significantly enhance your SEO endeavours.


Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Frazer Lloyd-Davies Quote

Priority Pixels have worked on our SEO for some time now, and we've been very impressed with their efforts. They've helped our SEO improve across the board, and have done so in a professional, simple to understand and effective manner. They're fairly priced, easy to work with and we'd therefore strongly recommend working with them.

Acronyms, Plymouth

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Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Kimberley Burns Quote

We have had nothing but complements about our website and I can't recommend Priority Pixels enough. With there 5 star customer service combined with amazing talent you are going to be nothing but happy with your website and on going advice. Thanks again for a great website guys.

The Hair Room, Plymouth

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Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Ben Watterson Quote

After taking some time to consider alternative web development companies, I decided to go with Priority Pixels and I'm so glad I did. Paul and his team have been absolutely fantastic. Their knowledge and creativity is nothing short of amazing and nothing ever seem to be a problem. As a business owner, there are enough challenges to deal with on a daily basis, however for me, one of those challenges are now more than being taken care of by Paul and his expert team.

Care Projects, Plymouth

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