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Paid Search Ads Management Services

Specialising in managing Paid Search Ads across a variety of platforms to drive your business’s growth, our team creates and optimises campaigns that connect your brand with targeted audiences. Let us help you with Google and Bing ads to maximise your return on investment.

Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads enable businesses to prominently display advertisements on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). By appearing when users search for specific keywords connected to your offerings, these ads are crucial for attracting targeted traffic directly to your website. This targeted approach ensures that your ads are shown to potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer, significantly increasing the likelihood of conversion. Moreover, Google Search Ads provide the flexibility to control costs through pay-per-click (PPC) pricing, making this an efficient and cost-effective advertising solution.

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Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising, previously known as Bing Ads, offers paid advertisements across Microsoft’s search network, which includes Bing, Yahoo, and MSN. Similar to Google Search Ads, these ads allow businesses to strategically position their marketing messages before users who are actively searching for related products or services. This platform presents a cost-effective alternative due to lower competition compared to Google. By leveraging Microsoft Advertising, businesses can tap into a unique demographic, enhancing visibility and increasing the likelihood of attracting new customers.

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You're in Safe Hands - We're a Google Partner

Paid Ads Management

It goes without saying that Google is one of the world’s most powerful and well-known digital platforms. Google it, ask Google and what does Google say has become synonymous in our day-to-day conversations, with many taking to the site in search of answers to life’s most persistent questions and conundrums.

Priority Pixels has been an official Google Partner since 2018 and boasts the expertise to drive the right kind of traffic to your website and maximise your return-on-investment (ROI) through Google’s innovative paid advertising platform called Google Ads.

Google Ads has become an increasingly important platform in recent years for large and small businesses alike. The platform can increase your lead generation and digital conversions as well as boost your brand awareness and visibility.

With Priority Pixels, you can rest assured your marketing spend is in the hands of a team of Google-certified analysts. As an official Google Partner, we are certified in all aspects of the Google Ads platform.

Key Features of Google Search Ads

  • Keyword-Based Targeting

    Advertisers meticulously select keywords that align closely with their business offerings to effectively target their desired audience. This precision in keyword selection is critical because it ensures that when users search these specific terms on Google, ads related to those keywords have the potential to appear prominently in the search results.

    This strategic targeting mechanism is essential, as it guarantees that the advertisements are shown to users who have already demonstrated an interest in similar products or services by their search behaviour. By meeting users at the exact moment they are actively seeking related information, the relevance of the ads is significantly increased, thereby enhancing the likelihood of user engagement. This focused approach optimises advertising spend by directing resources towards prospects who are most likely to convert, increasing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing campaign.

    Furthermore, this method allows for the collection of valuable data regarding user interaction with the ads, which can be used to refine future campaigns and better understand consumer behaviour, leading to even more targeted and successful marketing efforts.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model

    Google Search Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which is highly advantageous for advertisers because they only incur costs when a user actively clicks on their ad. This pricing strategy directly ties the cost of the advertising to its performance, making it an exceptionally cost-effective method. Instead of paying for mere ad impressions, advertisers invest in actual potential customer engagement, thereby enhancing the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing dollars. This performance-based payment model allows businesses of all sizes to better manage their advertising budgets, as they can set maximum bid limits and daily spending caps to maintain control over spending.

    Moreover, the PPC model encourages advertisers to optimise their ad quality and relevance. High-quality, relevant ads are more likely to receive clicks, which not only leads to more cost-effective campaigns but also improves the ad’s position in search results without necessarily increasing the bid cost. Google rewards well-performing ads with higher rankings and lower costs per click, incentivising advertisers to continuously improve their ad content and targeting strategies. This self-regulating aspect of the PPC model ensures that advertisers are consistently working to refine their campaigns, leading to more effective advertising and better user experiences on the search platform.

  • Ad Ranking

    The placement of ads on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is determined by a sophisticated auction system that Google and other search engines use to decide which ads to display and in what order. Central to this system is the concept of Ad Rank, a metric that influences where an ad will appear on the page. Ad Rank is calculated using two key components: the bid amount and the Quality Score.

    The bid amount is the maximum that an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on their ad. This is a crucial figure as it represents the advertiser’s valuation of the potential traffic from a particular keyword, but it is not the only determinant of the ad’s visibility. Equally, if not more important, is the Quality Score. This score is a holistic assessment of the ad’s overall quality, based on factors such as its relevance to the user’s search query, the user experience on the landing page, and the historical click-through rate (CTR) of the ad itself.

    Together, these factors ensure that users are presented with ads that are not only relevant but also of a high quality in terms of content and usability. High-quality ads often cost less to display and achieve better positions on the SERP. This system rewards advertisers who focus on crafting relevant, well-targeted campaigns, thereby creating a competitive and efficient marketplace where the most useful ads ascend to the top. This dynamic bidding environment pushes advertisers to optimise both their bids and ad quality continually, ensuring a better alignment of ads to user needs and intentions.

  • Customisable Ad Formats

    Google Search Ads go beyond the basic format of a headline, display URL, and description by offering several ad extensions that significantly enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the ad. These extensions are designed to provide additional information and interactive features that can make the ads more useful and engaging to potential customers.

    Call extensions, for example, add a phone number or call button directly to the ad, making it easy for users to contact the business immediately. Location extensions display the address of the business or show the nearest store location, aiding users who are looking to visit in person. Sitelink extensions offer links to specific pages within a website, such as product categories, contact forms, or special offers, allowing advertisers to direct users to relevant sections of their site directly from the ad.

    Additionally, callout extensions allow for the inclusion of additional descriptive text, such as unique selling points or promotions, while structured snippet extensions highlight specific aspects of the products or services offered. These extensions not only improve the attractiveness of the ad but also expand its utility, providing users with multiple ways to interact with the ad, which can significantly increase the chances of conversion. By effectively utilising these extensions, advertisers can enhance the performance of their Google Search Ads, making them stand out on the SERP and deliver more precise and actionable messages to potential customers.

  • Campaign Management Tools

    Google offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to assist advertisers in managing and optimising their search ad campaigns efficiently. These tools are integral to navigating the complexities of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and maximising return on investment.

    Starting with budgeting tools, Google Ads allows advertisers to set specific budgets for their campaigns to ensure spending does not exceed their financial limits. This is crucial for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to control costs while aiming for the best possible outcomes. Bid adjustment tools further refine spending by letting advertisers increase or decrease their bid amounts based on devices, locations, time of day, and more, tailoring their approach to match performance insights and audience behaviour.

    Structuring ad groups effectively is another critical aspect managed through Google’s platform. Advertisers can organise their ads by theme or product type, which helps in delivering more relevant ads to users based on their search queries. Additionally, Google’s powerful analytics and reporting tools provide detailed insights into campaign performance, including metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion. This data is invaluable for making informed decisions, allowing continuous improvement through A/B testing and optimisation based on real-time feedback.

    These tools collectively create a robust environment for advertisers to launch, monitor, and refine their campaigns, driving effective marketing strategies and achieving targeted results.

  • Geotargeting and Ad Scheduling

    Advertisers have the ability to significantly enhance the relevance and effectiveness of their ads by utilising geographic and time-based targeting options provided by platforms like Google Ads. Geographic targeting allows ads to be displayed to users in specific locations—from broad regions like countries or states down to cities or even postal codes. This is particularly useful for local businesses or companies with regional promotions, ensuring that their advertising efforts are concentrated where they are most likely to attract actual customers.

    Time-based targeting, or ad scheduling, is another powerful tool that lets advertisers choose specific times of the day or days of the week to run their ads. This feature is crucial for optimising ad spend by aligning the ad display with the times when target audiences are most active online or when the business is open and can respond to queries. For example, a restaurant might increase its bids during mealtimes, while a retail store might focus on weekends when shoppers are more likely to visit.

    By combining these targeting methods, advertisers can create highly customised ad campaigns that not only reach the right people but also catch them at the most opportune moments. This strategic targeting increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion, thereby maximising the overall return on the advertising investment.

Key Features of Microsoft Advertising

  • Keyword-Based Advertising

    Advertisers strategically use keywords as the cornerstone of their paid search campaigns to ensure their ads are shown to users at the most relevant moments. Keywords are carefully chosen words or phrases that align closely with the search queries potential customers might use when looking for products or services offered by the business. This targeted approach ensures that ads are displayed only to those who have already expressed an interest in similar offerings through their search behaviour.

    When a user enters a search term into a search engine that matches the predefined keywords, the advertiser’s ad is eligible to appear in the search results. This mechanism is governed by the search engine’s matching algorithms, which aim to display the most relevant ads based on the user’s query. To optimise their visibility and effectiveness, advertisers can choose from several types of keyword matches, including broad match, phrase match, and exact match, each offering different levels of targeting specificity and reach.

    By aligning ads with the intent signified by the user’s search terms, advertisers can drive more qualified traffic to their sites. This precise matching not only enhances the user experience by providing relevant ads but also increases the likelihood of conversions, making keyword targeting a critical aspect of successful search advertising.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model

    Like Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising leverages a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which is fundamentally designed to maximise the cost-efficiency of advertising campaigns. Under this model, advertisers are only charged when a user actively clicks on one of their ads, rather than merely viewing it. This ensures that the advertising costs incurred are directly tied to tangible actions taken by potential customers, thereby aligning the expenditure with genuine interest and engagement.

    The PPC model employed by Microsoft Advertising offers significant control over advertising budgets, allowing businesses to set daily or monthly spending limits to ensure expenses do not exceed their allocated budget. Additionally, advertisers can refine their spending further by adjusting bids on specific keywords based on their performance and value. This level of granularity in cost management not only helps in controlling expenditure but also in optimising the allocation of resources towards more effective keywords and campaigns.

    By paying only for clicks, advertisers effectively invest in leads that have shown a clear interest in their offering, enhancing the likelihood of conversions. This model is especially beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to maximise their marketing budgets, as it allows for focused and measurable financial commitments towards generating potential sales leads.

  • Ad Extensions

    Microsoft Search Ads offer a variety of ad extensions that significantly enhance both the visibility and functionality of advertisements, making them more appealing and informative to potential customers. These extensions provide additional details beyond the basic ad text, which can greatly improve the user experience and the effectiveness of the ads.

    Sitelinks are one of the most beneficial extensions, allowing advertisers to add links to specific pages of their website directly beneath the main ad text. This not only helps users navigate to relevant areas such as product pages or contact forms more quickly but also increases the ad’s clickable area, boosting the chances of engagement.

    Call extensions add a phone number or a clickable call button to the ads, facilitating immediate communication and are particularly useful for mobile users who might be looking for quick answers while on the move.

    Location extensions display the business’s address or direct users to the nearest storefront through a map pin. This is crucial for driving foot traffic to local businesses, enhancing local marketing efforts.

    Incorporating these extensions into Microsoft Search Ads can lead to higher click-through rates (CTR) and better conversion rates, as they enable advertisers to present a richer set of information and more interaction options within their ads. These extensions thus serve as powerful tools for improving ad performance by making them more relevant, informative, and accessible to potential customers.

  • Device Targeting and Ad Scheduling

    Advertisers have the ability to fine-tune their campaigns by targeting specific devices such as desktops, tablets, or mobile phones, and by scheduling ads to run at optimal times or on particular days. This strategic capability ensures that ads are not only seen but are also engaging users when and where they are most likely to have an impact.

    Device targeting allows advertisers to customise their ads based on the device being used by the audience. For example, mobile users often seek quick, on-the-go information, so ads can be optimised for mobile viewing and interaction, with call-to-action buttons and simplified content that fits smaller screens. Similarly, desktop ads might focus more on providing detailed information suitable for users who are likely to spend more time researching products or services.

    Additionally, by scheduling ads for specific times or days, advertisers can align their messages with the times when their target audience is most active online. For instance, a restaurant might increase its advertising on weekends or during lunch hours to capture the attention of potential diners actively looking for meal options. This method of targeting by time ensures that the ads spend is utilised most effectively, maximising visibility and impact during peak user activity periods, ultimately enhancing the overall campaign performance.

  • Audience Targeting Options

    Microsoft Ads provides a robust suite of advanced targeting options that empower advertisers to fine-tune their audiences and enhance the relevance of their campaigns. Among these options, demographic targeting and re-marketing are particularly effective in ensuring that ads are displayed to the most appropriate users, thus increasing the potential for engagement and conversion.

    Demographic targeting allows advertisers to specify which segments of the population will see their ads, based on criteria such as age, gender, geographic location, and even the type of device used. This enables the creation of highly customised ads tailored to the needs and preferences of different groups, thereby improving the ads’ impact and relevance.

    Re-marketing takes targeting a step further by focusing on users who have previously interacted with the advertiser’s website or used a specific application. By using cookies or other tracking technologies, Microsoft Ads can identify these past visitors and serve them targeted ads that are relevant to their earlier interactions with the brand. For example, a user who abandoned a shopping cart might see ads for the products they considered but did not purchase, encouraging them to complete the transaction.

    Together, these sophisticated targeting techniques allow advertisers to deliver more personalised, effective advertising experiences that can lead to higher click-through rates, better conversion rates, and ultimately, more efficient use of advertising budgets.

  • Integration with LinkedIn

    Microsoft Advertising offers a unique feature that sets it apart in the realm of digital marketing, especially for B2B advertisers: the ability to target audiences based on LinkedIn profile data. This integration allows advertisers to refine their campaigns with unparalleled precision by using professional demographics including company, job function, and industry.

    This targeting capability is particularly valuable for B2B companies that aim to reach decision-makers within specific sectors or professionals in particular roles. For instance, a software provider can target ads specifically to IT managers in the technology industry, or a recruitment firm can reach executives in financial services. This ensures that the marketing efforts are not only reaching the right audience but are also highly relevant to the viewers’ professional needs and interests.

    By leveraging LinkedIn’s rich professional data within Microsoft Advertising campaigns, advertisers can increase the relevance of their ads, leading to higher engagement rates, improved conversion rates, and a more efficient allocation of ad spend. This strategic advantage is crucial in the B2B space, where the buying process is often complex and the decision-making cycle can be lengthy, requiring precise targeting to effectively influence key stakeholders.


What is Paid Search Advertising?

Paid search advertising is a type of digital marketing where advertisers pay to display their ads on search engine results pages (SERPs) based on user searches. The most common model is pay-per-click (PPC), where you pay only when a user clicks on your ad.

How does PPC work?

In PPC advertising, you bid on keywords relevant to your business. When someone searches for those keywords, the search engine runs an auction to determine which ads to display based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and relevance.

What are the benefits of using Paid Search Ads?

Paid search ads can quickly drive relevant traffic to your website, increase conversions, and boost revenue. They offer measurable results, precise targeting options, and the flexibility to adjust campaigns based on performance data.

How do I choose the right keywords for my ads?

Choosing the right keywords involves understanding your audience’s search behaviors, your product/service offerings, and the competitive landscape. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner can help identify effective keywords based on search volume and competition.

What is Quality Score and why is it important?

Quality Score is a metric used by Google Ads to rate the quality and relevance of your keywords and PPC ads. It affects how your ads perform and how much you pay per click. A higher Quality Score means lower costs and better ad positioning.

Can you target ads to specific locations or times?

Yes, with location targeting, you can specify where your ads will be shown, right down to specific cities or regions. Time targeting allows you to choose when during the day your ads appear, optimizing for when your audience is most likely to engage.

What is ad copy and how should it be crafted?

Ad copy is the text portion of your PPC ads. Effective ad copy should be compelling, relevant to the keywords, include a clear call to action, and align with the landing page content to improve both click-through and conversion rates.

How do you measure the success of Paid Search Campaigns?

Success in paid search is typically measured by metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics help assess how well your ads are performing in terms of audience engagement and financial returns.

What is re-marketing, and how can it help my business?

Re-marketing is a way to reconnect with visitors who have interacted with your site but did not make a purchase or complete a conversion. By showing these previous visitors targeted ads, you increase the likelihood of conversion, often at a lower cost per acquisition.

How much should I budget for a Paid Search Campaign?

The budget for a paid search campaign can vary widely based on your industry, competition, and objectives. It’s important to start with a budget that allows for enough data to gauge performance and then adjust based on the results and desired outcomes.


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Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Ian Tomlinson Quote

Priority Pixels have been managing my advertising for the past 18 months. They have been brilliant, easy to work with and really listen to my goals. Highly recommended.

Tomlinson Solutions, Devon

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Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Joseph Hammond Quote

I tasked Priority Pixels to set up and manage my Google Ads campaign which has been working wonders for my business since they set it up about 4 months ago. The team are always very obliging and are quick to respond to my emails. I continue to recommend Priority Pixels to fellow business owners and look forward to a long working relationship with them.

Hammond Creative, Sussex

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Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Beccy Price Quote

Priority Pixels have been an excellent asset in helping us with our website and Google AdWords. They are highly communicative, they provide us with excellent advice, and are always on hand when we need them.

Ventro Group, Plymouth

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Case Studies

Paid Media Case Studies

Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency

Serving the vibrant and diverse communities across North and East London, Castles is a successful, privately owned independent estate agency. Established in 1981, the team at Castles boasts over four decades of experience in professional estate agency services.

With a number of offices across London, Priority Pixels were initially brought in to help improve each of the offices local web presence. This was achieved with a mix of local SEO and ppc management which focused on a small radius around each of the offices. Creative, SEO friendly copy was written to help enhance the sites office and area guide pages, resulting in improved positions in the SERPs.

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Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise

Since 2020, Priority Pixels have supported Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing digital marketing support including SEO, paid search and social media. Paid Google and Facebook advertising campaigns run for a number of the Gymboree Play & Music franchises, with an emphasis on increasing enquiries.

So far, our work with Gymboree Play & Music has culminated in a higher ranking on search engines and a highly successful PPC campaign with a 25% increase in conversions. We continue to collaborate with Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing SEO and PPC support. We also have several new exciting projects planned for the upcoming year.

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New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre

As part of a 360° digital strategy Priority Pixels helped Revitalise Dental Centre create a number of pay-per-click campaigns to help raise brand awareness and drive business to their website.

Facebook Ads were used to run targeted campaigns as well as remarketing ads to target customers that had already visited the Revitalise Dental Centre website. Understanding how important video ads are in the digital age, our moving image team created multiple short videos showing the Revitalise team interacting with patients and showcasing their state of the art treatment centre. With video ads running on YouTube and LinkedIn, and display ads on Google and Facebook, Revitalise now have a PPC strategy that’s built for success.

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Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist

Part of the Gainsborough Healthcare Group, Access Walk-in Baths specialise in providing accessible bathrooms and specialist baths for people with restricted mobility. As a company providing a specialist service, their PPC advertising needed to target their demographic so as not to waste their budget on unnecessary clicks.

Google Ads were created for the Search Network to target people looking for assisted bathing solutions in residential properties across the UK. This was coupled with a Display Ads campaign targeting people who have searched for similar products or companies. By linking these campaigns to Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager we are able to track conversions and provide details on their ROI.

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Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist
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