Google Search Ads Management Services | Expert PPC Solutions

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Our Google Search Ads Management Service

Keyword Research

Identifying effective keywords is key to successful Google Search Ads. Our approach focuses on selecting relevant keywords based on search volume and competition. We emphasise long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less common. These target users who are closer to making a purchase, increasing the likelihood of conversion due to their specificity and lower competition. This strategy ensures your Google ads reach the most interested users, driving better results and maximising your ROI.

Ad Copywriting

Crafting compelling ad copy is essential for capturing audience attention. We create engaging headlines and descriptions that address your target audience's needs. Additionally, we use ad extensions to provide extra information and boost ad visibility. By combining captivating copy with strategic ad extensions, we ensure your ads stand out in search results, driving more clicks and conversions for your business.

Bid Management

We meticulously manage bids to ensure optimal ad placement and budget efficiency. Using automated bidding strategies, we adjust bids based on campaign goals, whether maximising conversions or clicks. This approach allows real-time bid optimisation, ensuring your ads reach the right audience at the right time, delivering the best possible return on investment for your ad budget.

Landing Page Optimisation

We prioritise landing page optimisation to boost conversion rates and ad score. This includes fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and clear calls-to-action. We also align ad content with landing page messaging for a seamless user experience. By focusing on these elements, we increase the chances of visitors taking desired actions, driving more conversions and improving your Google ad's campaign performance.

Conversion Tracking

We use robust conversion tracking tools to measure ad effectiveness and user engagement. By closely monitoring interactions on your website, we identify which ads drive the most valuable actions. This data-driven approach helps us refine strategies, optimise ad spend, and maximise ROI by focusing on the most impactful channels and messages.

Reporting and Analytics

We offer comprehensive reporting and analytics, providing insights into click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per conversion, and overall ROI. These detailed reports support informed decision-making, allowing us to refine strategies and optimise ad campaigns for maximum effectiveness. By monitoring key performance indicators, we ensure your advertising efforts align with business goals and deliver measurable results.

You're in Safe Hands - We're a Google Partner

Paid Ads Management

It goes without saying that Google is one of the world’s most powerful and well-known digital platforms. Google it, ask Google and what does Google say has become synonymous in our day-to-day conversations, with many taking to the site in search of answers to life’s most persistent questions and conundrums.

Priority Pixels has been an official Google Partner since 2018 and boasts the expertise to drive the right kind of traffic to your website and maximise your return-on-investment (ROI) through Google’s innovative paid advertising platform called Google Ads.

Google Ads has become an increasingly important platform in recent years for large and small businesses alike. The platform can increase your lead generation and digital conversions as well as boost your brand awareness and visibility.

With Priority Pixels, you can rest assured your marketing spend is in the hands of a team of Google-certified analysts. As an official Google Partner, we are certified in all aspects of the Google Ads platform.

What are the Benefits of Using Google Search Ads?

  • Immediate Visibility

    Google Search Ads provide unmatched visibility by appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), above organic results. This prime position ensures immediate exposure to users actively searching for products or services like yours. Unlike organic search results, which can take time to improve, ads offer instant visibility, capturing potential customers’ attention when they are ready to make a purchase decision.

    Top placement above the search results not only grabs attention but also enhances your business’s credibility and trustworthiness. Users often perceive ads at the top of the page as more relevant and authoritative. By leveraging Google Search Ads, you can capitalise on this premium space to drive targeted traffic to your website and boost conversions.

    Additionally, Google Search Ads allow you to reach your marketing objectives more efficiently. With precise targeting and real-time data, you can adjust your campaigns to maximise impact and return on investment (ROI). This ensures that your advertising efforts are both effective and cost-efficient.

  • Highly Targeted

    Google Ads provide highly precise targeting options, allowing businesses to reach their ideal audience with accuracy. With demographic targeting, you can customise your ads based on age, gender, income, and interests. Geographic targeting lets you focus your ads on specific locations, from entire countries to individual cities or even a radius around a physical location.

    Device targeting ensures your ads are optimised for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, catering to users’ preferences and behaviours. Additionally, ad scheduling allows you to run your ads at specific times or days of the week, ensuring they are seen when your target audience is most active. This increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

    By leveraging these targeting options, businesses can ensure their ads reach the most relevant audience segments. This maximises the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, driving better results and higher ROI. Google Search Ads’ advanced targeting capabilities help you deliver your message to the right people at the right time, enhancing the impact of your marketing efforts.

  • Cost-Effective

    Google Search Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when users click on your ads. This structure offers several advantages, including cost-effectiveness and budget control. You’re only charged for actual clicks, so you don’t pay for ad impressions or views that don’t lead to engagement. Additionally, you can set a daily budget to manage spending, ensuring you stay within your financial limits.

    This cost-effective approach makes online advertising accessible to businesses of all sizes. You can start with a modest budget and scale up as you see positive results. The PPC model also offers transparency and accountability. You can track and measure your ads’ performance in real-time, allowing for continuous optimisation to achieve better ROI.

    The PPC model of Google Search Ads provides a flexible and efficient way to reach your target audience. By only paying for clicks, you ensure your advertising budget is spent on engaged users, maximising your investment. Real-time tracking and performance data allow for informed decision-making and strategic adjustments, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

  • Measurable Results

    Google Ads offers detailed analytics that provide valuable insights into your ad performance. You can track metrics like clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTRs), conversions, and conversion rates. These analytics help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and understand user interactions with your ads.

    By analysing this data, you can identify areas for improvement, optimise your campaigns, and allocate your budget more effectively. Tracking conversions also enables you to accurately calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising efforts. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and maximise the impact of your Google Search Ads.

    The detailed analytics provided by Google Ads offer transparency and accountability, essential for continuous improvement. With clear visibility into your campaign performance, you can confidently adjust your tactics to achieve better results. This comprehensive understanding allows you to drive more successful campaigns and achieve your marketing objectives.

  • Flexible Budgeting

    Google Ads offers flexible budgeting options, allowing you to set and adjust your budget as needed. Whether you’re a small business with a limited budget or a large enterprise with substantial resources, you have full control over your advertising spend. This flexibility lets you allocate your budget strategically, scaling your campaigns up or down based on performance, seasonality, or business goals.

    You can adjust your budget at any time, enabling quick responses to changes in market conditions or business priorities. This control helps you maximise your return on investment (ROI) and ensures you’re investing your budget wisely to achieve your marketing objectives. By having the ability to tweak your spending, you can better manage your resources and focus on what works best for your business.

    This budgeting flexibility not only optimises your ad spend but also provides peace of mind. You can confidently adjust your advertising strategies to align with your current needs and goals, ensuring your marketing efforts are both efficient and effective.

  • Brand Exposure

    Google Search Ads provide valuable brand exposure, even without clicks. When users see your ads at the top of search results, they are exposed to your brand name, messaging, and offerings. This visibility boosts brand awareness and recognition, helping build trust and familiarity over time.

    Even if users don’t click on your ads immediately, they may remember your brand later through subsequent searches, social media, or other channels. This sustained visibility ensures your brand stays top-of-mind for potential customers, increasing the chances of future engagement and conversions.

    Google Search Ads contribute to a comprehensive marketing strategy that strengthens your brand presence and supports long-term growth. By consistently appearing in search results, your brand gains credibility and recognition, making it more likely that users will choose your products or services when they are ready to make a decision.

  • Competitive Advantage

    Google Ads allow businesses to secure top ad placements by strategically outbidding competitors, ensuring maximum visibility in competitive markets. By effectively allocating your budget and adjusting bids, you can increase the chances of your ads appearing at the top of search results, above organic listings and competitor ads. This prime positioning boosts brand visibility and attracts more clicks from potential customers.

    Top ad placements not only enhance visibility but also convey authority and credibility, reinforcing your brand’s reputation as an industry leader. Users tend to trust ads that appear at the top, associating them with reliability and expertise.

    By leveraging Google Search Ads to outbid competitors, you maintain a competitive edge and ensure your business remains visible to users actively searching for products or services like yours. This strategy drives more traffic to your website and increases the likelihood of conversions.


What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses can create and display ads across Google’s network, including search results and display ads. These ads appear in search results, on YouTube, and on other partner websites. By utilising Google Ads, businesses can reach a wide audience, increase visibility, and drive targeted traffic to their landing pages.

How do Google Search Ads work?

Google Search Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords and pay only when users click on their ads. Ads are displayed based on keyword relevance, bid amount, and ad quality.

How do Search Ads differ from Display Ads?

Search Ads appear at the top of Google’s search results when users enter specific queries, targeting users actively searching for products or services. In contrast, Display Ads are a component of Google Ads that appear on Google’s Display Network, which includes a wide array of websites, apps, and videos.

Search Ads target intent-based searches, making them highly effective for capturing immediate interest, while Display Ads help build brand awareness and retarget users as they browse the internet.

What are the benefits of using Google Ads?

Google Ads offers several benefits, including immediate visibility, precise targeting, and measurable results. With Google Ads, businesses can create targeted campaigns that reach potential customers based on their searches, demographics, interests, and more. This leads to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment.

How much do Google Ads cost?

The cost of Google Search Ads varies depending on factors such as keyword competitiveness, bid amount, and budget allocation. Advertisers have full control over their spending and can set daily or monthly budgets to suit their needs.

Can I target specific audiences with Google Ads?

Yes, Google Search Ads offer highly targeted options, allowing you to reach specific demographics, locations, devices, and even schedule ads to run at specific times of the day.

How do I measure the success of my Google Ads campaigns?

The success of Google Ads campaigns can be measured using detailed analytics provided by Google Ads. Key metrics include clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and conversion rates. Analysing this data helps businesses understand user interactions and optimise their campaigns for better results.

Do I need a website to run Google's Ads?

Yes, you need a website where users can be directed when they click on your ads. A well-optimised landing page is recommended to maximise conversions from your Google Search Ads campaigns.

Can I advertise on Google if I have a small budget?

Yes, Google Ads offers flexible budgeting options, allowing businesses of all sizes to participate in online advertising. You can set your own budget and adjust it at any time to suit your financial constraints.

How long does it take to see results from a Google Ads campaign?

The timeline for seeing results from Google Search Ads can vary depending on factors such as campaign setup, bid strategy, and industry competitiveness. Generally, businesses can start seeing results within a few days to a few weeks of launching their campaigns.

Can I manage my campaigns on my own, or do I need a professional?

While it’s possible to manage Google Search Ads campaigns independently, working with a professional digital marketing agency can provide expertise, strategic guidance, and optimisation techniques to maximise the effectiveness of your campaigns and achieve better results in the long run.

What is the role of a landing page in a Google Ad campaign?

A landing page is the web page where users are directed after clicking on a Google Ad. It plays a crucial role in converting visitors into customers. An effective landing page is optimised for user experience, aligns with the ad’s message, and includes clear calls to action, which helps in maximising the ad’s performance.

How can I optimise my Google Ads for better performance?

To optimise your Google Ads, focus on relevant keywords, compelling ad copy, and effective landing pages. Regularly monitor your campaign performance, adjust bids, and refine your targeting to improve your ad’s visibility and click-through rates. A/B testing different ad variations can also help identify the most effective strategies.

How can HubSpot be integrated with Google Ads?

HubSpot can be integrated with Google Ads to enhance your advertising efforts. By connecting the two platforms, you can track and analyse your ad performance directly within HubSpot, gaining insights into which campaigns are driving the most conversions.
This integration helps streamline your advertising efforts and provides a comprehensive view of your advertising effectiveness.

Case Studies

Paid Media Case Studies

Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency

Serving the vibrant and diverse communities across North and East London, Castles is a successful, privately owned independent estate agency. Established in 1981, the team at Castles boasts over four decades of experience in professional estate agency services.

With a number of offices across London, Priority Pixels were initially brought in to help improve each of the offices local web presence. This was achieved with a mix of local SEO and ppc management which focused on a small radius around each of the offices. Creative, SEO friendly copy was written to help enhance the sites office and area guide pages, resulting in improved positions in the SERPs.

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Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise

Since 2020, Priority Pixels have supported Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing digital marketing support including SEO, paid search and social media. Paid Google and Facebook advertising campaigns run for a number of the Gymboree Play & Music franchises, with an emphasis on increasing enquiries.

So far, our work with Gymboree Play & Music has culminated in a higher ranking on search engines and a highly successful PPC campaign with a 25% increase in conversions. We continue to collaborate with Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing SEO and PPC support. We also have several new exciting projects planned for the upcoming year.

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New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre

As part of a 360° digital strategy Priority Pixels helped Revitalise Dental Centre create a number of pay-per-click campaigns to help raise brand awareness and drive business to their website.

Facebook Ads were used to run targeted campaigns as well as remarketing ads to target customers that had already visited the Revitalise Dental Centre website. Understanding how important video ads are in the digital age, our moving image team created multiple short videos showing the Revitalise team interacting with patients and showcasing their state of the art treatment centre. With video ads running on YouTube and LinkedIn, and display ads on Google and Facebook, Revitalise now have a PPC strategy that’s built for success.

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Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist

Part of the Gainsborough Healthcare Group, Access Walk-in Baths specialise in providing accessible bathrooms and specialist baths for people with restricted mobility. As a company providing a specialist service, their PPC advertising needed to target their demographic so as not to waste their budget on unnecessary clicks.

Google Ads were created for the Search Network to target people looking for assisted bathing solutions in residential properties across the UK. This was coupled with a Display Ads campaign targeting people who have searched for similar products or companies. By linking these campaigns to Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager we are able to track conversions and provide details on their ROI.

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Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist
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