Professional SEO Services | UK SEO Company Delivering Growth

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Technical SEO

Our Technical SEO services offer a strategic and data-driven approach to optimise website architecture, improve performance, and enhance indexing and crawling, ultimately boosting search engine visibility and driving organic traffic.

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Keyword Research

Our Keyword Research services leverage advanced tools and industry insights to identify high-value keywords, uncover search trends and develop a targeted keyword strategy that maximises organic visibility, drives qualified traffic and improves overall search engine rankings.

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Link Building Services

Priority Pixels excels in delivering strategic link building solutions. These services not only boost your website's authority but also attract targeted traffic and enhance your search engine rankings.

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Local SEO Service

Local SEO is focused on optimising a business's online presence to increase visibility in local search results. It is crucial for businesses with physical locations or service areas to attract nearby customers.

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E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a concept that originated from Google's search quality guidelines and plays a crucial role in determining the quality and credibility of web pages.

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SEO Audit

We offer comprehensive SEO audit services to analyse your website's performance, identify optimisation opportunities, and provide actionable recommendations for improved search engine visibility.

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  • Why do you need professional SEO services?

    Research & Discovery

    In order to deliver the perfect solution – one that meets your specific goals – we need to really understand your website and business, as well as your SEO campaign and social requirements. Our team of SEO professionals does this by undertaking an extensive audit to really get our teeth into your situation.

    Technical SEO

    Technical SEO is a big part of what we do. Before you invest in any marketing activities it’s important to ensure that your website is technically geared toward SEO best practices. Let us help you do that.

    Content Marketing Services & Outreach

    From devising and creating captivating, shareable content and intelligent digital PR to engaging relevant bloggers and influencers. There are many ways that we can activate strategies that deliver premium SEO performance. As a professional SEO agency, Priority Pixels have a team of in-house marketing specialists who plan, source and execute great content across all platforms.

    Organic Results & Genuine Customers

    Fine tuning your site’s SEO means that you will achieve better rankings, more organic search results and will reach genuine customers looking for your products and services. As a full service digital agency we can help you create a marketing strategy that includes paid search options, but we’ll always perfect your essential organic SEO first.

  • Backlink Analysis

    As one of the most important parts of SEO ranking, backlinks on your site have a big role to play. Credible backlinks will have a positive impact on your ranking. But bad or weak backlinks will be negative and won’t do anything for you except drag you down the SERPs.

    When rankings are pivotal to your success, understanding the pros and cons of your site backlinks is crucial. If your backlink game is strong, your place in organic search results stands a good chance of being high. If it’s weak or downright bad for any reason, it will put a dampener on your site’s performance and its rankings.

    That’s why our backlink analysis is a vital SEO service that will identify your site’s backlinks strengths and possible weaknesses. Armed with the data we need, we can help you by:

    • Finding and removing any bad, corrupt, or damaging links across your site
    • Raising your backlink profile while avoiding algorithm or manual penalties
    • Providing a plan for getting the right types of backlinks for your SEO

    Tracking Site Performance

    Noticed a drop in your SEO visibility, keyword performance, or organic site visits? This could be a penalty as a result of a big search engine algorithm change.

    Google Webmaster Tools

    Ever had a ‘manual action’ message in your Google Search Console? This is Google’s way of telling you there are ‘unnatural’ backlinks on your site.

    Linking metrics

    Are these linking metrics looking healthy on your profile?

    • Deep link ratio
    • Anchor texts
    • Follow vs NoFollow
    • Referring domains
    • Link types
    • Link velocity

    Our in-depth backlink analysis will prove vital to your organic SEO campaign. And it will be crucial in helping you move forward with the right link earning and content marketing strategy.

    As part of our service, we relish the chance to help you by getting to understand your competition. By completing a competitor backlink audit, we can discover what strategies they’re using. That helps us spot areas that have yet to be taken advantage of. We can then build them into your SEO campaign straight away, including any quick and easy additions. Here’s how we do it:

    • Understand your long term strategy, goals, and challenges
    • Download and analyse your competitor’s backlink profiles
    • Reference them against your own link profile
    • Confirm any strong or weak links
    • Decide on quick and easy link additions
    • Help develop your link earning and content marketing strategy
  • SEO Audits

    At Priority Pixels our SEO audits are in-depth because we know they need to be. We do not run automated SEO audits or compete with the free SEO audit services available. A free SEO audit may sound appealing but they will often provide misleading advice or information that is out of context. Any free or automated service won’t look at the specific details and intricacies of YOUR website and digital presence.

    Each of the SEO audits we undertake is completed by an experienced member of our team who will work methodically through every aspect of your website and its technical footprint.

    The report we produce is usually around 40 to 50 pages long and is split into five key areas that include on-site SEO, off-site SEO, user experience, content analysis and competitor analysis.

    On-page SEO

    The first step in each audit examines all factors of on-site SEO including meta titles and descriptions, 404 errors, broken internal and external links, XML sitemaps, schema and structured data among many others.

    Off-page SEO

    In the section looking at off-site SEO we will audit your website’s backlink profile, social media channels and brand mentions. We also check all Google integrations to make sure they are set up and configured correctly.

    User Experience

    An optimised user experience is essential to the success of your website. This part of our report is where we look at mobile responsiveness, page speed and the activity of your current users and customers.

    Content Analysis

    Excellent content including copy, images and video are fundamental to any website. We analyse your content for keywords, duplicate copy, image and video optimisation and make recommendations for future content.

    Competitor Analysis

    An insightful exploration of other companies in your digital marketplace. This critical SEO service allows you to make informed decisions on your own SEO strategy and devise new content to source or create so that you can move ahead of the competition.

  • Content Audit

    As part of our SEO service, we relish the chance to help you by getting to understand your competition. By completing a competitor backlink audit, we can discover what strategies they’re using. That helps us spot areas that have yet to be taken advantage of. We can then build them into your campaign straight away, including any quick and easy additions. Here’s how we do it:

    • Understand your long term strategy, goals, and challenges
    • Download and analyse your competitor’s backlink profiles
    • Reference them against your own link profile
    • Confirm any strong or weak links
    • Decide on quick and easy link additions
    • Help develop your link earning and content marketing strategy
  • Content Optimisation

    What is content optimisation?

    Content optimisation is all about making sure your content reaches as many people as possible in any search results. It gives you the best chance of showing up in direct search results as well as related searches. High traffic and high rankings depend on how well optimised your content is. If it’s done right, you’ll start to gain more organic search traffic.

    A big part of SEO is having an understanding about the key words and phrases people might use when they search for things online. It’s not about picking one specific keyword and using it as many times as you can on each page you publish. It’s more about making sure related words are in there as well, so question-based searches pick up your content too.

    How can Priority Pixels optimise my content?

    By using a suite of industry leading SEO tools and thorough manual analysis we can pinpoint ways to directly improve your content. This will give us inside information about what keywords your competitors are using. It also gives us insight into which alternative words or phrases you could use to give your content a boost. With this vital info, you’ll improve your search performance, driving both traffic and conversions your way.

    As well as keywords, we can also optimise your other digital content too. Google search results now display business information and reviews. By using schema markup and microdata, we can add this information to your website for you. This will help search engines find your content, driving more click-throughs and conversions.

  • Technical SEO Services

    Are users finding your site through organic searches? If they’re not, you could have onsite issues working against you.

    Getting to grips with those will help the search engines find you quicker and easier. And that’s good news for your target customers and your conversion rate.

    As a professional SEO company, we build a solid Technical SEO foundation upon which to grow and drive traffic to your website.

    Is technical SEO optimisation that important?

    In a word, yes. Without it, your SEO will take a nosedive, even with a fully loaded and functional website offering an excellent user experience. Search engines have different priorities to your users. Your site has to tick all the boxes for them behind the scenes, as well as up front for your target customer.

    What do our technical SEO services cover?

    Technical SEO optimisation is an umbrella term covering many different areas. But they’re all influential to your site’s SEO performance and success. So to keep things simple, we cover the lot.

    We’ll get stuck in and look at everything technical. From your overall website speed and how to increase it, right down to the site architecture, URL structures, and internal links. We’ll also look at site security, subdomains, and redirections, and anything else that might be holding your site back.

    Ranking algorithms for search engines are finely tuned and complex beasts. Looking at hundreds of elements across your site, they figure out which keywords are a relevant match for any search queries. Technical SEO optimisation takes care of any issues your site has and fixes them so those bots can crawl your site without limits.

    Crawl Optimisation

    Checking the crawl speed of your website is critical. It’s an important step in making sure search engines can crawl your entire site quickly and easily. This will make looking for relevant info on search queries faster so they don’t use up their crawl budget. Perfect if your site has many pages.

    Crawl Data Examination

    Our first step is to crawl your entire website – like the search engines do – to get an accurate picture of what’s going on. We can then analyse the data using various webmaster tools to understand exactly how the search engines see your site. And what errors they might find.

    Dynamic User Content

    Interactive elements and dynamic user content is a great addition to any site. But while it enhances the user experience, it causes problems for search engines trying to find information. We can make sure the correct indexing protocols are set up using up to date web standards to prevent this.

    Mobile Device Ranking

    Your customers will look at your site on a range of different devices, including smartphones and tablets. To help your rankings, search engines use specific bots to crawl the mobile web. We can ensure the search engine optimization of your site to protect your organic ranking, as search algorithms favour mobile-friendly sites.

    Internal Link Structuring

    A well-defined internal link structure is another crucial pathway for search engine crawlers. And it’s a doubly beneficial process. While it helps them find relevant search content on your site, it also defines your site’s hierarchy. An essential part of organising the flow of link authority across websites.

    Server Configuration

    An often overlooked process, we look at your entire server configuration and web hosting platform to make sure there aren’t any errors. If there are, it can cause duplication of your site which isn’t great for your SEO. We’ll also look into your backlink profiles and your servers geolocation.

  • E-E-A-T and why it's important

    With one of Google’s most recent algorithm updates, they emphasised Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness to be among the top 3 most important factors for page quality ratings. So if you’re unsure what E-E-A-T is all about and what it means for your content, now’s the time to find out.


    Whatever business you’re in, you need to be an expert in your field. While expertise isn’t seen as important for more trivial sites featuring humour or gossip, it’s crucial for medical, financial, or legal websites. But having expertise means you have the ability to create valuable and insightful main content (MC) for your website and your users.


    When you’re creating content for your site – as an expert – you need to show you’re an authority on your subject. You can do this by using your own expertise or the expertise of the creator of the MC, or your website itself. Having any necessary credentials or qualifications will help, but extras like reviews and testimonials from clients or customers are gold.


    Everything about your website should make your visitors trust you and your business. Again, this can come from an online review or testimonial, but it should also shine through in your site content. Trust is even more important if you have an e-commerce site and you rely on online payments. Adding an SSL certificate to your site should be a priority as it’s one of Google top ranking factors.

  • E-commerce SEO Services

    E-commerce SEO and traditional SEO share many fundamental principles, but there are some distinct differences due to the specific nature of e-commerce websites and their objectives. Here are some key differences:

    Product Pages and Listings

    E-commerce SEO centers around optimizing individual product pages and listings. This involves tailoring keywords, images, descriptions, and user-generated content like reviews for each product.

    Keyword Intent

    In e-commerce SEO, the focus leans heavily towards transactional keywords, as users typically search with the intent to make a purchase. This is in contrast to traditional SEO, where keywords might cover informational, navigational, and transactional intent.

    Product Descriptions and Reviews

    E-commerce SEO requires optimizing product descriptions, attributes, and reviews to enhance search rankings and provide compelling information that drives conversions. Traditional SEO may have a greater emphasis on conveying information.

    Structured Data Markup

    E-commerce SEO often utilizes structured data markup to enhance how product information appears in search results. This includes rich snippets displaying price, availability, and reviews, making listings more enticing to potential buyers.

    User Experience and Conversion Optimization

    E-commerce SEO places significant importance on user experience and conversion rate optimization. Aspects like site speed, mobile responsiveness, clear calls to action, and intuitive navigation are critical for driving sales.

    Seasonal and Promotional Strategies

    E-commerce SEO involves incorporating strategies that align with seasons, holidays, and promotions. This might not be as prevalent in traditional SEO.

    E-commerce Platforms

    E-commerce SEO necessitates working with specific platforms (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce) and addressing platform-specific technical considerations, such as handling product variants and managing inventory.

    Competitive Landscape

    Given the competitiveness of the e-commerce sector, SEO efforts often require aggressive link building, content creation, and marketing strategies to stand out among competitors.

    User Reviews and Trust Signals

    E-commerce SEO places emphasis on generating and displaying user reviews and trust signals to establish credibility and drive conversions. This is less pronounced in traditional SEO.

    Cart Abandonment Strategies

    E-commerce SEO incorporates strategies to combat cart abandonment, including retargeting ads and email campaigns, aimed at recovering potentially lost sales.

    In summary, e-commerce SEO tailors its approach to the unique challenges and objectives of online stores, focusing on boosting sales and adapting to the specific demands of product-oriented websites.


How much does professional SEO cost?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Costs for a professional SEO service vary depending on what SEO work your website needs. Not every website needs the same SEO services, so the price strictly depends on how well optimised your website is currently. A brand-new website will most likely need more SEO services than an older one. Different SEO agencies will quote a different price and potentially have different packages. Whilst some SEO agencies offer set SEO packages with fixed monthly costs, this does not work for everyone. You may not need all the SEO services that you will be paying for. We recommend undertaking an SEO audit of your website before having any SEO work carried out. Not only will this allow you to see all the SEO services that needs undertaking, but it will also allow you to set a budget and define a monthly cost. An SEO audit will help you understanding the basics of how SEO works, which can help you make informed decisions on you overall marketing strategy.

Our professional SEO services are tailored to address your website’s specific needs, making your investment both effective and rewarding.

Is it worth hiring a professional SEO company?

Yes, investing in a professional SEO company can be extremely valuable for businesses. Professional SEO can improve search rankings, drive organic traffic and enhance online visibility. SEO experts handle technical tasks, optimise content and stay updated with industry changes. This saves time, provides expertise and delivers long-term benefits. Consider factors like business goals, budget and provider reputation when deciding. SEO is an ongoing effort, so comparing potential gains with other marketing services helps determine its value for your business.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO services are an important part of your overall SEO process. It involves making sure that your website is fully optimised to allow search engine bots to crawl your website. If your website is not crawled and scanned, then it will not be indexed properly. The name ‘Technical SEO’ refers to the technical parts of your website, such as the code that makes up your website. The main objective of technical SEO is to optimise these building blocks in order to increase the usability and responsiveness of your website.

Technical SEO focuses on making sure that your website is mobile friendly and responsive across a range of different devices. Making sure that your website responds and displays in the best format on desktop, tablet and on mobile devices is improving your technical SEO.

Other aspects of technical SEO include improving site speed. Creating a secure website for your customers by installing an SSL. Creating an XML sitemap to help search engines understand your website when it’s being crawled. Adding structured data mark-up code to help search engines understand the context behind the content on your webpages. Making sure that your website is registered with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to allow you to manually submit your webpages for indexing.

We would recommend seeking the help of a professional. An SEO agency will be able to help you make sure your website is as technically strong as it can be. They may also be able to provide various packages with a range of options and costs.

What does a professional SEO agency do?

An SEO agency is a team of highly skilled SEO consultants that help other businesses increase their ranking in search engine results pages. They will work with you and advise you on the best ways to increase your ranking and fully optimise your website. The team members that make up an SEO agency will be skilled in different areas of search engine optimisation. This will allow them to create an in-depth and thorough strategy to make sure your website is fully optimised. An SEO agency will take the proper steps to help grow your business and keep you informed of how the changes have improved your site. Aspects of SEO that an SEO agency should do include:

  • A full SEO audit
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Backlink analysis
  • Content optimisation
  • Technical SEO
  • Adding important structured data
  • Rendering optimisation

We would always recommend seeking the help of a professional. An SEO agency will work on all aspects of both on page and off page SEO for your website and help to increase your search engine ranking in an organic way.

How long does it take SEO services to work?

Getting your website to rank at the top of page 1 on Google does not happen overnight. There are many variables that go into effective SEO work. Some are on-going and long-term, such as creating relevant content. Others, whilst they can be completed relatively quickly such as re-sizing images to increase page speed, can still take a while until you see the effects. The short answer to this question is “it depends.” Each website is unique, so the SEO work they all need is unique. It can also depend on how much of a budget you have to complete the SEO work.

Some SEO ranking factors cannot be physically changed, such as domain age and domain authority. Search engines tend to favour websites that have existed for longer than newer websites. This is because they are considered to be more reputable and provide reliable information to search queries.

For brand new websites, it could take up to six months for your website to start ranking and increasing engagements. But that only happens with on-going SEO work from a dedicated SEO agency. You cannot fully optimise your website all in one go and then expect it to rank in a short space of time. Getting your website to rank highly, can take months, even years.

Are backlinks important for SEO?

Backlinks are when someone links to your website via a different webpage or online platform. Backlinks help improve your off-page SEO ranking in three main areas. By being used as a sign of validity to search engines. They allow search engines to discover new content when they revisit and re-scan websites. They increase your referral traffic.

If you can get other websites that rank highly for relevant keywords to link to your website, this is a vote of confidence to search engines that your content is reliable and valuable. Search engine bots re-crawl and scan webpages to make sure that they are presenting the most up to date information to searchers. When scanning web pages that have links to other pages, it helps them find new content that may also be relevant and informative.

Referral traffic means the number of people who enter your website via a backlink on a different website. This helps search engines work out how useful other people have found the information on your website. Backlinks found on pages with high traffic levels are more likely to increase your referral traffic

The more backlinks you have pointing to your website, the higher you will rank in search engine results pages.

Are landing pages good for SEO?

Landing pages are used to target specific keywords or phrases. Creating landing pages that contain content rich with a keyword relating to your business will help to increase your search engine results page ranking. They are designed to take people who click on them directly to a page with the information they are searching for. If your landing pages are fully optimised, and your keywords are mentioned enough, then they are a good way of getting web pages to organically rank higher.

The more landing pages you have that are fully optimised with relevant keywords, the more organic traffic will be driven to your site from search engine results pages. Each landing page should have a different keyword/phrase. This opens your website to more avenues and search terms.

One ranking factor for websites is the number of positive engagements and visitors. If your website starts to get more people visiting because you have created more landing pages, search engines will see your site as containing relevant and knowledgeable information and will rank your website higher.

What to ask an SEO agency?

Knowing what to ask an SEO agency is an important step in choosing who to work with. Some important questions that you should ask are:

  • How can your professional SEO services help our business grow?
  • What is your process for undertaking SEO tasks?
  • What tools do you use to perform different SEO activities?
  • Do you have any case studies of how you have helped other companies increase their ranking?
  • Will you provide us with any reports? And if so, how often?
  • What information or access will you need from my business?
  • Will I need to sign a contract?

How much does site speed affect SEO?

When it comes to browsing online, most people have a short attention span.  In a recent survey, only 50% of internet users said they would spend longer than 15 seconds waiting for a site to load, with many stating that it may discourage them from visiting the site again in the future.

Maintaining your site speed is not only important for developing visitor loyalty, but it is also important for maintaining great SEO. Search engines want to deliver the best results – fast. Slow loading speeds can result in a low time on site and high bounce rates (when users click on your site without visiting any other pages), which causes search engines to rank your site lower in results pages.

Your site speed is just as important to your SEO strategy as doing keyword research and maintaining a relevant blog. Ensuring that your website hosting creates the optimum conditions for your site speed is crucial to your success, and will improve your overall SEO efforts.

Does duplicate content affect SEO?

Duplicate content is exactly what it sounds like. It is two or more pieces of content that are either completely identical or very similar. Think of it as plagiarising someone else’s work. Whilst having similar content to other websites in the same industry is unavoidable, you need to make it unique to your business.

There are two types of duplicate content. Internal duplicate content refers to when one domain name has the same content across different internal URLs. External duplicate content is when the search engines find the exact same content on different domains.

Whilst Google has stated that there is no SEO penalty for duplicate content, it does confuse search engines. When confronted with identical content on different domains, search engines are forced to choose which version should rank higher. So even if you are the original creator of the content and you have fully optimised it, you may not rank above the duplicate content. Search engines rarely show the multiple versions of the same content in search results, so if you have duplicate content on your website, or your content has been duplicated elsewhere, it will impact your visibility and your engagement rates.

It is always best to seek the help of a professional. An SEO agency will be able to find any duplicate content on your site and suggest ways of re-creating it so that it no longer counts as duplicate.


Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Frazer Lloyd-Davies Quote

Priority Pixels have worked on our SEO for some time now, and we've been very impressed with their efforts. They've helped our SEO improve across the board, and have done so in a professional, simple to understand and effective manner. They're fairly priced, easy to work with and we'd therefore strongly recommend working with them.

Acronyms, Plymouth

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Sarah Daniels Quote

Paul and the team really understand what we need from our website - they work with us; make valid comments and suggestions and do not push us to do anything we are not ready for. They have basically guided us through change and helped us realise what potential there is for our website.

The recent SEO audit we commissioned them to do was superb and has really helped us focus on how we can do better - and what we can realistically achieve ourselves and what we need them to help us with.

No pressure, no pushing - just good collaborative working.

Force Cancer Charity, Exeter

5/ 5stars
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Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Edward Mitchell Quote

It's been a pleasure to work with Nathan and the team at Priority Pixels - they were very constructive in our website redevelopment and their charging is very fair and reasonable. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them!

Cobalt Property Partners, London

5/ 5stars
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