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CRM Integrations

Customer relationship management, more commonly known as CRM, is a unique system that connects your website with other applications. A CRM system will integrate with your website, for the purpose of data and information being exchanged seamlessly between your applications and digital platforms.

Priority Pixels installs and supports a number of CRM tools. Well-known platforms include HubSpot, SalesForce and Zoho.



HubSpot is a business management platform. From marketing and sales to ensuring your business is providing premium customer service, HubSpot can integrate seamlessly with your website through an innovative hub – hence the name.

HubSpot offers a variety of unique hubs, including marketing, sales and service hub. HubSpot can also integrate your site with an operational hub as well as content management software (CMS). If you’d like to combine HubSpot’s innovative platforms with your own website, Priority Pixels can help.

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In a situation where a business might like to close the gap between themselves and their customers, Salesforce is the answer. Offering a fully integrated CRM service, Salesforce describes itself as a customer relationship management solution that essentially merges marketing, sales, commerce and customer service all into one easily managed interface.

Salesforce essentially offers a more personalised, more connected experience for customers. If you’re interested in integrating SalesForce with your own website, Priority Pixels can help.

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Zoho provides cloud-centric solutions and services to large and small businesses alike through a single, innovative interface. From invoices, contracts and calendars to self-service data preparation software, Zoho offers a complete CRM platform that can fully integrate with your own digital platforms and website.

Zoho’s ethos is grounded in providing an easier, more personalised CRM solution for every business. If you’re interested in introducing Zoho to your own business, Priority Pixels can help.

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Chat Support Tools

Chat plugins allow businesses to communicate instantly with users through their website. Also known as live chat, chat plugins empower employees to provide exceptional customer service by resolving any issues instantly. As a result, chat plugins can result in a better user experience which can drive conversions, eliminate buyer hesitancy and provide a more personable, reassuring human presence on your site.



LiveChat is an innovative, accessible chat plugin that can be easily integrated with your WordPress website. Offering a variety of neat features for businesses, such as a customisable chat window and a full history of all conversations, LiveChat also improves user experience – the plugin can be accessed by visitors to your site with a single click, with the opportunity to leave feedback and rate their experience once the conversation has finished.

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Although Sendinblue isn’t built for WordPress per se, the platform can be easily integrated with your site using an embed code. Sendinblue is a multi-purpose tool that can be used for email marketing, Facebook ads, landing pages and a live chat function. As a result, Sendinblue is great for businesses looking to utilise multiple tools through a single, easily accessed platform.

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Olark offers a variety of different conversation-centric features that go above and beyond the usual call of duty when it comes to a chat plug-in. Innovative, accessible and easily integrated with WordPress, Olark’s unique software allows businesses to benefit from a detailed breakdown of every conversation which is combined with data from the customer’s activity on the site.S

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Zendesk Chat
Zendesk Chat

Zendesk Chat

Formerly known as Zopim Live Chat, Zendesk Chat is easily one of the most popular chat plug-ins available for WordPress. Offering fully customised layouts and themes with an accessible dashboard for ease of use, businesses can quickly reply to messages from visitors through a desktop computer, mobile or tablet.

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Tidio Live Chat
Tidio Live Chat

Tidio Live Chat

One of the easiest chat plugins to get up and running, Tidio Live Chat offers fully customised chat boxes that can be personalised to fit with your unique branding. Conversations can be handled through WordPress or via the official Tidio app. Perhaps most important, messages sent while employees are offline are sent directly to an email inbox – conversations can also be continued via email.

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Formilla Live Chat
Formilla Live Chat

Formilla Live Chat

Boasting a number of impressive features, Formilla Live Chat is a popular WordPress chat plug-in for large and small businesses alike. The software combines real-time chat and conversation with powerful AI, meaning your site will be supported by innovative chatbots 24/7.

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Website Performance Tools

When it comes to web design, site performance is based – and judged – on how quickly everything loads, moves and displays. The more streamlined your site overall, the better it performs.

At Priority Pixels, optimum performance is something we incorporate into every website we design and continue to evaluate and improve over time.

Every project is different; as is every client, budget and set of goals. There are occasions when we can update your online presence and dramatically improve performance without the need for a full rebuild.

We will be led by your needs and available time and resources. Each project will start with in-depth discussions and analysis that look at a range of suitable options and solutions. Our team can provide any service from full rebrands and websites built from scratch to refreshing existing sites and everything in between.

Winning conversions is the key to your online success. Our skilled web designers devise and deliver visually stunning and engaging sites and our conversion experts analyse, test and fine tune them to make sure they work as well as they look.

To get every site performing perfectly, our team continually review and refine your content and assets. By doing this we can ensure response and load times are always at their highest and every site visitor gets the fastest, most positive experience possible. Giving them a high level of satisfaction means they are more likely to return and also to recommend you.

How do we deliver optimum performance?

Code optimisation, order of execution, server configuration and specialised content delivery networks are just a few of the strategies we employ to keep you ahead of the competition.

There are also a number of specialist tools and apps we use including:

WP Rocket
WP Rocket

WP Rocket

Considered one of the most powerful WordPress caching plugins, WP Rocket is an all-in-one web performance plugin. The introduction of WP Rocket instantly reduces loading speeds on your site and can boost your Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals scores.

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One of the better performance monitoring tools, Pingdom gives deep data on how your site is performing out in the real world. Delivering real-user monitoring, page speed testing, server response times, and downtime, Pingdom immediately highlights anything that could be slowing you down.

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A trusted Wordpress development plug-in, Hummingbird is a pro performance and optimisation tool to keep your site running as fast and efficiently as possible. With this in place, you’ll see an increase in page loading times, potentially higher search rankings and happier site visitors.

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Smush Pro
Smush Pro

Smush Pro

Large images are one of the biggest culprits for slow sites. Smush Pro, another pro-level Wordpress plug-in, scans every image across your entire site, then optimises and resizes them in super quick time. The results will save you space and give your site a huge performance boost.

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YSlow is an open-source extension that sits inside common web browsers to analyse web pages and provide a rating on their speed. It provides suggestions and feedback on where time and performance savings can be made to improve page load times.

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Google Pagespeed
Google Pagespeed

Google Pagespeed

A helpful device from the Google toolbox, Pagespeed is a dedicated site performance checker. It’s simple but offers a good starting point to flag up any existing issues. By testing the page URL, Pagespeed will highlight potential CSS or Javascript issues as well as images that need optimising.

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Call Tracking

Developed to assist marketeers in discovering where their phone calls enquiries have come from, call tracking enables small and large businesses alike to record, track and trace phone calls right back to their marketing spend.

Essentially, call tracking allows businesses to measure and analyse the impact of phone calls on their campaigns and use that data to further shape their marketing strategies. Marketers can receive data and information from phone conversations with customers to prove exactly what campaign or marketing tactic drove the customer to make the call, and of course what the outcome of that phone call was. Tactics or campaigns can be digital ads, web pages or even specific keywords.

The design team at Priority Pixels boast years of web development expertise and can fully integrate call tracking solutions with your new or existing marketing strategy.



With Avanser, every call counts. Avanser allows businesses to record and track phone calls with their customers in real-time. This allows for large and small businesses alike to easily evaluate and streamline their future marketing campaigns, track the performance of their employees and monitor the quality of communications with new and existing clients.

Avanser can also fully integrate with Zoho, Salesforce and other CRM platforms.

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CallRail takes call tracking a step further by providing businesses with a fully integrated platform. Call tracking services from CallRail include conversation recording capabilities saved within an innovative analytics suite.

CallRail offers a personalised communication software platform called Lead Center, which can enhance or even fully replace your existing hard phones. Lead Center combines calls, texts, messages, live chats and form submissions into one single inbox for ultimate accessibility.

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Customer service is at the forefront of everything CallSource does. As a business driven by user experience, the call tracking software at CallSource provides an innovative platform that helps businesses better understand a customer’s journey.

CallSource allows businesses to trace and track incoming phone calls for the purpose of evaluating and adjusting their own marketing strategies. Introducing CallSource’s innovative software into your own business operations can result in an increased return-on-investment (ROI).

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Behind some of the most powerful and engaging business interactions is Twilio. As a top provider of call tracking platforms and other software, Twilio pride itself on providing simple tools that solve difficult problems. Their call tracking software is cloud-centric, innovative and simple to integrate with your existing digital infrastructure and assets. They also offer, in their words, no shenanigans pricing.

Twilio offer their very own call tracking platform called Voice. The platform allows businesses to build tracking solutions around their existing operations, as well as optimise user experience for both employees and customers alike.

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Through their very own innovative call tracking software, WildJar helps large and small businesses alike successfully reduce customer acquisition costs and increase their return-on-investment (ROI). WildJar vow to tame inbound phone leads by tracking where the calls are coming from, record and improve call handling and utilise data analytics and transformation technology to increase customer satisfaction.

WildJar can be fully integrated with Google Suite, Zapier, Microsoft Ads and other platforms.

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Marchex is aiming to change the way large and small businesses alike reach and engage with their customers. They offer AI-powered conversation intelligence that result in more effective sales and a higher standard of customer service.

Marchex’s innovative software allows businesses to rapidly respond to new customer trends and needs as well as fully automate mystery shopping solutions, find missed opportunities and rectify the issue for the future and overall just improve the end-to-end user experience.

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E-commerce Integrations

One of the most common website requests we receive at Priority Pixels is e-commerce integrations. An e-commerce integration is essentially a data transfer between your website or e-commerce platform, and the crucial components of your business such as accounting, inventory and marketing.

E-commerce website integrations eliminate the need for duplicate or manual entry of important data, syncs inventory across multiple sales channels and streamlines business operations and processes by removing redundant steps.

Priority Pixels have years of experience designing and implementing e-commerce solutions across a variety of industries. Our web development team can easily integrate your e-commerce website with your chosen platform.



Stripe unlocks the potential of the digital economy for large and small businesses alike through innovative payment infrastructure that removes barriers and nurtures growth. From international corporations to tiny start-ups, Stripe offers a number of different e-commerce web integration solutions that are rooted in code and design innovations.

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PayPal offers an innovative multi-faceted approach to your e-commerce web integration. Offering one of the most well-known and comprehensive commerce platforms on the planet, PayPal allows businesses to connect with over 295 million customers around the world – and vice versa. PayPal is also scalable and can easily grow with your organisation.

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GoCardless have created an international bank debit network that utilises an innovative digital network to optimise the invoicing, subscription, membership and payment processes for e-commerce websites. GoCardless also offer a single, accessible interface that gives businesses and organisations full visibility and transparency.

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