WordPress Agency UK | Professional WordPress Developers UK

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Why Choose a WordPress Agency like Priority Pixels?


Our team comprises skilled professionals who are well-versed in WordPress. We understand its nuances, capabilities, and potential pitfalls, allowing us to harness its power effectively.


We tailor WordPress to your unique needs. Whether you require a blog, e-commerce site, or intricate web application, we can customise WordPress to match your vision.

Design Excellence

We combine creative flair with technical know-how to craft visually stunning and highly functional websites that captivate your audience.


With extensive experience, we streamline the development process, saving you time and effort while ensuring your website is up and running promptly.


We implement robust security measures to protect your website from threats, keeping your data and users safe.

SEO Optimisation

Our expertise in SEO ensures your website is optimised for search engines, enhancing its visibility and driving organic traffic.

Ongoing Support

We're your long-term partner, providing continuous support, updates, and maintenance to keep your website in top shape.

Focus on Your Business

Partnering with us allows you to concentrate on your core business, knowing your website is in expert hands.

  • Why us a WordPress Agency in the UK?

    At Priority Pixels, we understand the importance of a robust online presence in today’s digital landscape. Your website is more than just a virtual storefront; it’s your brand’s digital ambassador, working tirelessly to engage, inform, and convert visitors into loyal customers. Here’s why you need a trusted WordPress agency like Priority Pixels in the UK to elevate your online presence:

    Local Expertise

    As a UK-based WordPress agency, we possess an in-depth understanding of the local market dynamics and consumer preferences. We can tailor your website to resonate with the UK audience, ensuring that your online presence is both culturally relevant and appealing.

    Compliance and Regulations

    The UK has specific legal and regulatory requirements for websites, such as GDPR compliance and accessibility standards. We can advise and assist to help ensure your website adheres to all necessary legal and ethical guidelines.

    Custom Solutions

    We offer bespoke WordPress solutions designed to meet your unique business needs. Whether you’re an e-commerce business, a local service provider, or an international brand, our expert team tailors your website to your specific goals, ensuring a tailored online experience for your target audience.

    Search Engine Dominance

    SEO is paramount in the UK’s highly competitive online market. Our SEO experts employ the latest strategies and best practices to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines, driving more organic traffic to your site.

    Priority Pixels is not just a WordPress agency; we are your strategic partner in crafting a compelling online presence tailored for the UK market.


  • WordPress helps with SEO

    WordPress, a widely-used content management system (CMS), garners acclaim for its SEO-friendly attributes. WordPress stands out in the SEO landscape for several reasons. Firstly, it boasts user-friendly permalinks, enabling the creation of search engine-friendly URLs that are easily comprehensible to both users and search engines, aiding in the identification of page content. Additionally, numerous responsive design themes are available for WordPress, ensuring that websites display and function optimally on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. As mobile-friendliness significantly influences SEO rankings, this feature is invaluable.

    WordPress offers a plethora of SEO plugins, with Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack being highly regarded options. These plugins provide tools for on-page optimization, including meta titles, descriptions, headings, and XML sitemaps. They also furnish guidance and suggestions to enhance content SEO. Moreover, WordPress websites tend to load rapidly, a vital factor in SEO, as fast-loading pages enhance user experience and contribute to higher search engine rankings.

    WordPress shines as a content management system, simplifying the creation and regular updating of content. Search engines favour fresh and relevant content, and WordPress streamlines the process of adding blog posts, articles, and multimedia elements. Some WordPress themes are designed with SEO principles in mind, featuring clean code, optimized structures, and swift load times, which positively influence SEO performance.

    WordPress permits the implementation of structured data and schema markup, either through plugins or built-in features. This can result in rich snippets in search results, augmenting the visibility of content. Furthermore, WordPress facilitates customisation of permalinks for individual pages or posts, enabling the inclusion of keywords in URLs to enhance search engine rankings. Regular updates are a hallmark of WordPress, with new versions frequently released to bolster security, performance, and SEO.

    In addition to these technical aspects, WordPress benefits from a robust community of users, developers, and SEO experts. This vibrant ecosystem offers a wealth of resources, forums, and tutorials to aid in the optimisation of WordPress websites for SEO. While WordPress provides a solid SEO foundation, it’s imperative to bear in mind that achieving high search engine rankings also hinges on the quality of content, backlinks, and other variables. SEO represents an ongoing endeavour, and the integration of WordPress with sound SEO practices can markedly enhance a website’s visibility in search engine results.

  • WordPress Maintenance & Support Services

    At Priority Pixels, we offer comprehensive WordPress maintenance and support services to ensure your website’s peak performance and security. Our dedicated team ensures your WordPress site is regularly updated with the latest core versions, themes, and plugins, enhancing its security and enabling access to new features. We manage plugins and themes meticulously to prevent conflicts, keeping your site running smoothly.

    Security is a top priority for us, and we employ advanced measures, including malware detection tools and regular security audits, to protect your website from potential threats. Our robust backup and recovery services guarantee that your data remains secure and recoverable in case of emergencies or data loss. We’re committed to optimising your site’s performance through various strategies, such as file compression and image optimisation, ensuring fast loading times and seamless user experiences.

    With our 24/7 responsive support team, you have access to assistance at any time for hosting-related concerns or technical issues. Whether you require content updates, run an e-commerce site, or need general support, we’ve got you covered. At Priority Pixels, our aim is to provide you with a hassle-free, secure, high-performing WordPress website that continually evolves to meet your changing needs.

  • WordPress Plugins

    Using WordPress plugins offers several advantages for website owners and developers. Firstly, plugins provide enhanced functionality, enabling the incorporation of new features and capabilities into your website without the necessity for bespoke coding. Whether you require a contact form, e-commerce tools, SEO assistance, or social media integration, there’s typically a plugin that can fulfil your needs.

    Secondly, plugins save both time and money by eliminating the need to construct features from the ground up. Many plugins are available for free or offer a free version, reducing development costs and expediting the website-building process. Additionally, plugins are highly customisable, allowing you to tailor their settings to align with your specific requirements and design preferences. This flexibility permits the creation of a unique website that resonates with your brand.

    Furthermore, reputable plugin developers regularly release updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and to patch security vulnerabilities, keeping your website secure and up-to-date. The WordPress community is extensive, and assistance is readily accessible through forums, documentation, or support from the plugin’s developer if issues arise.

    Additionally, plugins facilitate scalability, enabling the addition of new features as your business or content demands grow, obviating the necessity for a complete website overhaul. They also contribute to search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, offering tools and features that enhance content optimisation, meta tag management, and other elements to improve your site’s visibility in search results.

    Lastly, plugins can integrate with analytics tools, delivering valuable insights into your website’s performance and user behaviour. This data empowers you to make informed decisions to enhance your site’s user experience and content strategy. Nevertheless, judicious selection and moderation when employing plugins are paramount. Overloading your website with excessive plugins can lead to performance complications, conflicts, and security vulnerabilities. It is imperative to choose reputable plugins from trusted developers and routinely update them to ensure the ongoing security and functionality of your site.


I’m looking for a WordPress agency in the UK, can you help?

We’d love to help. We have WordPress clients throughout the UK but if you are looking to work with local WordPress developers we can arrange a meeting at our office or visit you at your premises. We are happy to work by email, phone or face to face, whatever works best for you. At Priority Pixels we’re proud to offer some of the best WordPress services in the UK.

Do I need special tools or skills to use WordPress?

If you wish to edit your WordPress website throughout development or after it goes live, then we can simply provide you with a WordPress login and you’ll be ready to go. There are no special skills or tools required to use WordPress, but if you’re not sure about what you’re are doing, then our team will be on hand ready to help.

My WordPress website has been hacked, can you help?

Definitely! Our WordPress Bristol developers have a huge amount of technical knowledge. We don’t just build WordPress websites, we understand how they are put together from the database to the front end. If your WordPress website has been hacked please get in touch, we can conduct an audit and either deal with the hacked content there and then or at the very least best advise you on the next steps.

If I ask for a quote, what happens next?

We will usually arrange a phone call or if your are based locally near Bristol, a meeting to get things started. From this initial discussion we can find out more about your business, your audience and your marketing goals. We will put forward our recommendations from information gathered and if you’re happy with what we’ve said, we can put together a project proposal and move forward from there.

Why do I need to keep WordPress Plugins up to date?

WordPress Plugins are similar to apps on your phone. They create the ability to easily add different functionalities to your website. Just like with apps on your phone, they regularly get updates to fix any bugs, add new features and update the security. Plugins are an open-source software, and are created by third party developers. Most of these developers continuously update the plugins to fix bugs and add in new features to help streamline the user experience.

Making sure that any plugins installed on your wordpress site are kept up to date is vital in keeping your website secure. Any weaknesses in the code of your plugins can make your site susceptible to hackers or malware. This not only makes your website vulnerable, but also the information of any visitors to your website who may interact with any of the plugin features. By keeping them up to date, you are increasing the security of your website and protecting the data of your visitors.

Old versions of plugins can have an effect on how your website functions. If a plugin that you have installed gets a new update but you do not update it on your website, then over time it will start to slow down your website. A slower website with features that do not work as they should will create a bad user experience for your visitors and cause them to bounce off your website.

Features of plugins may be added, changed, or removed altogether when a new update is available. If you do not update it on your website, then you and your clients will not get to benefit from the changes.

Keeping on top of updating the plugins installed on your WordPress website can be a laborious task. By hiring an agency to look after and maintain your website, updating plugins will be a part of that package. Contact us today to find out how we can help manage and maintain your website.

Why do I need to keep WordPress Core Files up to date?

The Core Files of your WordPress website are the files that every WordPress site has and builds the structure of your website. If they are not kept up to date, then your website security and performance will be impacted.

WordPress regularly updates their core files to fix security issues and bugs. If you do not update your core files to the latest versions, then your website could become vulnerable to malware or hacking. Outdated code is a weak spot and allows people to take advantage of your website. Updating your core files will ensure that your website is equipped with the latest security features from WordPress, keeping both your information secure, as well as the data of visitors to your website.

If you do not keep your website updated you will also miss out on important updates that can add new functionality and features to your website. As new updates are released, they overwrite the existing code. If you leave your website for a long period of time without performing updates, then your website may stop working and functioning as it used to. Being open source, the WordPress developers are consistently looking for ways to improve and streamline the code used to create websites.

The programming and scripting language PHP is used to create interactive and dynamic websites. There are also regular releases of new versions of this coding language. If this is not updated, your website’s functionality, usability and speed can be impacted. If your website is not functioning as it should be, then visitors are more likely to bounce off of your site.

By hiring an agency to maintain and update your website, you can rest assured that your website will always be running smoothly and at its optimum. It is their job to monitor and spot new updates and implement them as soon as possible. Get in touch with us today and speak to a member of our team to find out how we can help maintain your website.

Is WordPress secure?

Yes, WordPress is generally a secure content management system, as long as you follow the best practices. By keeping your website’s core files and plugins up to date, you can increase the security of your website. As an open source software, WordPress is managed and maintained by a team of cyber security professionals. They regularly release updates that fix security issues and vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by hackers. By updating your core files as soon as the updates are released, you are tightening the security around your website.

The same can be said for any plugins that you have installed on your WordPress website. Plugins are developed by third party developers and add different functionality and features to your website. Just like the team at WordPress, plugin developers are constantly releasing new updates to improve security and add new features.

Another way to ensure that your WordPress website is secure is to use strong logins and passwords. Using a password manager or enabling two-factor authentication will help to ensure that only people who should have access to your website can gain access.

Taking regular backups of your website is also considered best practice. While it does not enhance the security of your account, it will allow you to restore your website if anything were to happen to it.

If your WordPress website was to be hacked, you may not be able to tell. By hiring a specialised agency to look after and maintain your website, they will be able to monitor your website and install new updates as and when they are released to ensure that your WordPress website is as secure as possible. Get in touch with us today to see how Priority Pixels can help to keep your WordPress website secure and running at its optimum.

Priority Pixels offer some of the best WordPress web design in Bristol, contact us for more information on how to secure your WordPress website.

How to secure your WordPress website from hackers?

There are many ways that you can secure your website from hackers. One of the main ways is to keep your core WordPress files and plugins updated. New updates are regularly released for both plugins and the WordPress core files that fix security issues and bugs. If you do not keep your files and plugins properly updated then you risk exposing weaknesses to potential hackers.

Making sure that you have a strong password and login credentials will also help to secure your website from hackers. A strong password should be a random mix of numbers, letters, both upper and lower case, and symbols. It should not contain any personal or private information about you or your company that could be easy to guess. Ideally, your password should be unique to your website and not being used elsewhere. With a WordPress website you will need to create login details for the admin area as well as any databases that you have.

Installing an SSL certificate is considered to be best practice for all websites. They are designed to be installed onto your web server and ensure secure connections for visitors to your website. Not only do SSL certificates increase the security of your site, but they can help to increase your SEO ranking.

Along with securing your actual website, you will want to ensure that your hosting environment is secure as well. Your hosting provider should be able to monitor the server that your website is hosted on and make adjustments depending on your needs. No matter the type of hosting that you opt for, they should all have the same security standards to protect your website from outside attacks.

Securing your website is vital to protecting the information of both your business and your visitors. By taking up a security and maintenance package with a web agency, you can rest assured that your website will be as secure as possible.


Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Sarah Daniels Quote

Paul and the team really understand what we need from our website - they work with us; make valid comments and suggestions and do not push us to do anything we are not ready for. They have basically guided us through change and helped us realise what potential there is for our website.

FORCE Cancer Charity, Exeter

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Louisa Lulek Quote

We have been working with Paul and Nathan over the last few years, they have helped us completely revamp our website and are now actively helping us ensure our presence online is where we want it to be. They are very knowledgeable in their field and have certainly made our lives easier. We have regular meetings to discuss what we want to focus on and their insight and advice has helped significantly. Would highly recommend these guys if you need a fantastically designed website and help with all of your digital marketing.

Darnells, Newton Abbot

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Edward Mitchell Quote

It's been a pleasure to work with Nathan and the team at Priority Pixels - they were very constructive in our website redevelopment and their charging is very fair and reasonable. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them!

Cobalt Property Partners, London

5/ 5stars
Google Review

Case Studies

WordPress Case Studies

NAB Shipping

NAB Shipping approached Priority Pixels requesting support to communicate and increase brand awareness, boost online presence, and add credibility to their firm. Our team of experienced graphic designers, web developers, and copywriters worked closely with NAB Shipping, designing a dynamic website and developing a custom theme on WordPress CMS built around the NAB Shipping brand. This platform gave the client full control to edit the site.

The resulting website includes an improved layout and well-structured pages, optimised UX and UI design, and professionally written copy that explains NAB Shipping services in an effective way. The aim is to appeal to partners in the maritime industry, including charterers, ship brokers, and shipping agents.

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Somerset Dementia Wellbeing Service

Somerset Dementia Wellbeing Service is a partnership between dementia services working together to improve diagnosis and enhance support in the community. As a multi-organisational integrated care system, Somerset Dementia aims to help those with dementia, their carers, and families. It has been providing people impacted by dementia with consistent information and access to services.

It became clear that Somerset Dementia needed help enhancing its brand and creating a strong online presence as the leading resource for people affected by dementia in Somerset. Our team of expert web designers and web developers worked closely with Somerset Dementia, designing an informative WordPress website to help boost brand visibility. From creating a user-friendly layout to implementing artistic skill, our web design team have developed an optimised website.

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Bespoke WordPress website for London based Estate Agency

Serving the vibrant and diverse communities across North and East London, Castles is a successful, privately owned independent estate agency. Established in 1981, the team at Castles boasts over four decades of experience in professional estate agency services.

With a number of offices across London, Priority Pixels were initially brought in to help improve each of the offices local web presence. This was achieved with a mix of local SEO and targeted paid search campaigns which focused on a small radius around each of the offices. Creative, SEO friendly copy was written to help enhance the sites office and area guide pages, resulting in improved positions in the SERPs.

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WordPress development for globally renowned children's play centre franchise

Gymboree Play & Music first came to Priority Pixels seeking help with their website. The brand currently encompasses multiple franchises in over 30 different countries, with branches in the USA, Canada, China and the United Kingdom among others. The original website did not reflect their international reputation.

With any fresh, modern website, search engine optimisation was also key. Gymboree Play & Music asked for a simple way their new content could be added and optimised for SEO.

It was agreed our web development team would focus on two key areas: web design and e-commerce.

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Contemporary WordPress web design for North Devon Hotel

When Watersmeet first approached the team at Priority Pixels, we were in awe. The sprawling hotel boasts a number of luxury rooms and facilities including a restaurant and bistro, corporate function rooms, a spa and of course, an indoor swimming pool for those blustery beachside winters. Perhaps most incredible is the stunning panoramic views the Watersmeet overlooks. From most of the rooms throughout the hotel, guests can enjoy breathtaking ocean vistas of the rugged and wild Devonian coastline. Describing the hotel as having ‘seaside views’ doesn’t even begin to cut it when you can enjoy a glass of prosecco and splendid local fare overlooking a glorious, golden sunset.

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Brand refresh, WordPress development and copy for leading accountancy firm

For more than 80 years, Darnells have been one of the leading accountancy and financial advisory firms in the South West. With a proven track record in providing the very best accountancy services in their community, the team of chartered accountants, tax advisors, financial experts and probate administrators at Darnells have garnered themselves a well-earned reputation for dynamic, forward-thinking financial solutions that go above and beyond.

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Full WordPress website rebuild and support for leading timber frame specialist

For more than forty years, Taylor Lane has been a leading supplier of bespoke timber frames. Founded by Barrie Lane and Colin Taylor in 1982, the company is one of the longest-serving and well-known timber frame manufacturers in the UK.

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NAB Shipping Somerset Dementia Wellbeing Service Bespoke WordPress website for London based Estate Agency WordPress development for globally renowned children's play centre franchise Contemporary WordPress web design for North Devon Hotel Brand refresh, WordPress development and copy for leading accountancy firm Full WordPress website rebuild and support for leading timber frame specialist
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