PPC Agency Taunton

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Paid Search Ads

With our paid search ads service, your brand will be prominently displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for relevant keywords related to your products or services. We leverage the power of platforms like Google Ads to create compelling ads capture the attention of potential customers.

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Display Ads

Our paid display ads service focuses on visually engaging and eye-catching banner ads placed strategically across various websites and platforms. These display ads use appealing graphics and relevant messaging to create brand awareness, retarget past visitors, and expand your reach to potential customers.

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Shopping Ads

With paid shopping ads, we optimise your product listings to appear prominently on e-commerce platforms like Google Shopping. By showcasing your products with attractive visuals, prices, and reviews, we enhance their visibility to potential customers actively searching for products like yours.

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PPC Agency Taunton

We are a Google Partner

At Priority Pixels, we take pride in our status as a distinguished Google Partner. This esteemed recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in the realm of digital advertising and PPC campaigns.

Being a Google Partner means that we have met and exceeded Google’s stringent criteria for performance and proficiency. It reflects our deep understanding of Google Ads, a proficiency that allows us to harness the full potential of this powerful advertising platform for the benefit of our clients.

What platforms do we work with?

Google Ads
Google Ads

Google Ads

Welcome to the world of Google Ads, a powerful digital advertising platform formerly known as Google AdWords. With a global audience, individuals and businesses can reach their target crowd with personalised ads. Advertisers bid on keywords that reflect their business, and when users enter these in a search, the advertiser’s ad shows up in the list. Payment is only required when the ad is clicked on. This makes Google Ads a cost-effective solution for online marketing.

Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Meta has created the digital advertising platform, Facebook Ads – a powerful solution to online advertising. Facebook Ads supports individuals and businesses in creating bespoke advertisements for their required audience across Facebook platforms – including Messenger, Instagram, and Audience Network. These advertisements are created for a target audience, boosting website traffic and improving brand visibility. Facebook Ads is the platform to use when aiming to reach marketing goals.

LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

With LinkedIn Ads, individuals and businesses can reach their target audience by creating bespoke adverts. LinkedIn Ads is a platform where you can display your content, products, or services to a specific crowd. This boosts brand awareness, generates leads, and helps drive traffic to your website. With LinkedIn Ads, you can focus on your desired audience which will help your brand grow.

YouTube Ads
YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads

YouTube is a global video-sharing platform, reaching millions of people each day. This is the platform to use when showcasing content, products, or services in video form. The power of YouTube cannot be emphasised enough. These advertisements can be tailored to specific marketing objectives, meaning businesses reach their desired audience and elevate brand awareness, whilst generating leads for success.

Twitter Ads
Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads is a powerful online advertising tool to help businesses and individuals reach their target audience using bespoke adverts. These advertisements help businesses and individuals display their content, products, or services to their desired audience. With Twitter Ads, you can elevate brand awareness and drive traffic to your website – achieving your marketing goals and finding success.

Instagram Ads
Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads

When tailoring adverts to a visually orientated audience, look no further than Instagram Ads. These adverts are in visual format and can be crafted for your target audience. With a variety of laser-focused targeting options, individuals and businesses can connect with their crowd. These tailored Instagram adverts increase brand awareness and help drive traffic to your website, so your business can succeed.

  • Why do you need a PPC agency in Taunton?

    At Priority Pixels, we offer invaluable expertise and efficiency to businesses seeking PPC (Pay-Per-Click) excellence. With years of experience, we are well-versed in crafting and managing highly effective PPC campaigns. Our bespoke strategies, whether aimed at driving traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales, are designed to align perfectly with your unique business objectives.

    Our advanced tools and technology provide a data-driven edge, enabling us to continually optimise campaigns for maximum efficiency and return on investment (ROI). We understand that the digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving, and we stay at the forefront of industry trends to ensure your campaigns remain competitive.

    Partnering with Priority Pixels means tapping into a wealth of expertise, saving time, and achieving cost-efficient, highly targeted PPC campaigns. We pride ourselves on helping businesses excel in the competitive digital space, making your success our priority.

  • Remarketing Ads

    Your business should consider using remarketing ads for several compelling reasons. Remarketing enables you to re-engage with users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand, which can be highly valuable as these individuals have already shown interest in your products or services. By displaying remarketing ads, you can keep your brand in their consciousness and encourage them to return, potentially resulting in higher conversion rates.

    Moreover, remarketing enhances brand visibility and credibility. Even if users don’t click on your remarketing ads, the repeated exposure to your brand can significantly improve brand recognition, which is particularly beneficial in competitive markets. Remarketing also allows for personalisation and customisation of ads, tailoring them to specific segments of your audience based on their past behaviour, making your ads more relevant and effective.

    Remarketing is cost-effective, often having a lower cost per click compared to other advertising methods, thanks to its highly focused audience targeting. It can help you make the most of your advertising budget. Furthermore, remarketing aids in cart abandonment recovery for e-commerce businesses, enables cross-selling and upselling opportunities, and provides a competitive advantage by ensuring your brand remains visible to potential customers throughout their online journey. Ultimately, incorporating remarketing ads into your marketing strategy can lead to improved results and profitability.

  • Why should my business use PPC?

    Your business should seriously consider incorporating PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising into its marketing strategy for a variety of compelling reasons. Firstly, PPC offers immediate impact, allowing your ads to appear prominently at the top of search engine results pages within moments of launching a campaign. This translates to rapid online visibility and the potential to attract interested customers swiftly.

    Secondly, PPC provides precise targeting capabilities. You can reach a highly specific audience based on location, demographics, interests, and online behavior. This laser-focused approach ensures that your ads are presented to individuals most likely to be interested in your products or services, improving the efficiency of your advertising spend.

    Additionally, PPC offers cost control, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. You have the flexibility to set daily or monthly spending limits, ensuring that you stay within your defined budget. Moreover, PPC campaigns deliver measurable results in real-time, allowing you to monitor performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI). This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions and continuously optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

    Furthermore, PPC is adaptable and can be tailored to various objectives, whether it’s driving website traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, or achieving specific marketing goals. It also levels the competitive playing field, enabling smaller businesses to compete effectively with industry giants. With its capacity to respond swiftly to market changes and its potential to enhance brand visibility and credibility, PPC is a dynamic and strategic choice for businesses seeking immediate results and tailored marketing success.


What does PPC advertising entail?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is a digital marketing approach where advertisers pay a fee for each click their online ads receive. It’s designed to drive traffic to websites or online platforms and is commonly used on search engines and social media.

How does the PPC advertising model function?

In PPC, advertisers bid on specific keywords or phrases relevant to their business. When users’ online searches match these keywords, the ad becomes eligible to appear. Advertisers are charged only when users click on their ad, directing them to the advertiser’s website or landing page.

Which digital platforms support PPC advertising campaigns?

PPC advertising is supported by a variety of platforms, including Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) and Bing Ads for search-based advertising. It is also extensively used on social media platforms like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Ads for display and social advertising campaigns.

How can I determine the appropriate PPC advertising budget for my business?

Calculating your PPC budget should consider factors such as the competitiveness of your industry, your business objectives, and the expected return on investment (ROI). It’s essential to set a budget that aligns with your specific goals while allowing room for profitable returns.

What are the different types of PPC advertising campaigns available?

PPC campaigns encompass several types, including Search Advertising (which displays text-based ads on search engines), Display Advertising (featuring visual ads on various websites), Shopping Ads (utilized for product listings), and Video Advertising (where ads are showcased on video platforms like YouTube).

How can I measure the effectiveness of my PPC advertising campaigns?

Success in PPC can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). Thorough analysis of these metrics is vital for campaign optimization and to gauge overall performance.

What role does remarketing play in the realm of PPC advertising?

Remarketing in PPC targets users who have previously interacted with your website or brand. This strategy aims to re-engage these users through tailored ads, encouraging them to revisit your site and ultimately drive conversions, making it a powerful tool for boosting ROI.

Can I use PPC advertising to target particular audience segments?

Yes, PPC platforms offer advanced targeting options based on various criteria, including location, demographics, interests, and online behavior. This precision allows you to reach a highly relevant audience most likely to engage with your ads and convert.

Is PPC advertising suitable for small businesses?

Absolutely, PPC is well-suited for small businesses. It offers budget flexibility, precise targeting capabilities, and the opportunity to compete effectively with larger industry players. This level of accessibility makes it a valuable tool for small enterprises looking to establish an online presence and drive growth.

When should I consider enlisting the services of a PPC agency?

It’s prudent to consider partnering with a PPC agency when you lack the necessary expertise or resources for effective campaign management. PPC agencies bring specialized knowledge, advanced tools, and a data-driven approach to the table, all of which are crucial for maximizing ROI and achieving exceptional results from your PPC campaigns.


Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Jenna Binding Quote

Priority Pixels recently redesigned our website and did a fantastic job. We are extremely happy with the end results and have had nothing but positive comments since the website has launched. Paul and the team were a pleasure to work with throughout the process and continue to support us now where needed. I would highly recommend.

Aspect Windows, Exeter

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Alex Paul Quote

Recently had some digital advertising work carried out by Priority Pixels which we are very happy with. Met with Paul Clapp at their office where we went through our brief, once we got the content across to him our presentation was put together in a swift manner presented to a very high level and matched in with our branding excellently. Overall very pleased with the service we received and quality of the end product.

Paul Fenton Estate Agents, Chard

5/ 5stars
Google Review
Priority Pixels £££ Priority Pixels Crafting unforgettable websites, effective SEO, PPC strategies and engaging social media: Your digital success story starts here.
Unit 9, 1st Floor, Olympus Business Park, Kingsteignton Rd, Newton Abbot, Devon
Phone: 01626 245061
Review by Julia Burnett Quote

Really happy with the service we received from Priority Pixels! Really helpful, efficient a great to work with!

Homefinders, Cullompton

5/ 5stars
Google Review

Case Studies

Paid Media Case Studies

Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency

Serving the vibrant and diverse communities across North and East London, Castles is a successful, privately owned independent estate agency. Established in 1981, the team at Castles boasts over four decades of experience in professional estate agency services.

With a number of offices across London, Priority Pixels were initially brought in to help improve each of the offices local web presence. This was achieved with a mix of local SEO and ppc management which focused on a small radius around each of the offices. Creative, SEO friendly copy was written to help enhance the sites office and area guide pages, resulting in improved positions in the SERPs.

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Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise

Since 2020, Priority Pixels have supported Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing digital marketing support including SEO, paid search and social media. Paid Google and Facebook advertising campaigns run for a number of the Gymboree Play & Music franchises, with an emphasis on increasing enquiries.

So far, our work with Gymboree Play & Music has culminated in a higher ranking on search engines and a highly successful PPC campaign with a 25% increase in conversions. We continue to collaborate with Gymboree Play & Music with ongoing SEO and PPC support. We also have several new exciting projects planned for the upcoming year.

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New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre

As part of a 360° digital strategy Priority Pixels helped Revitalise Dental Centre create a number of pay-per-click campaigns to help raise brand awareness and drive business to their website.

Facebook Ads were used to run targeted campaigns as well as remarketing ads to target customers that had already visited the Revitalise Dental Centre website. Understanding how important video ads are in the digital age, our moving image team created multiple short videos showing the Revitalise team interacting with patients and showcasing their state of the art treatment centre. With video ads running on YouTube and LinkedIn, and display ads on Google and Facebook, Revitalise now have a PPC strategy that’s built for success.

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Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist

Part of the Gainsborough Healthcare Group, Access Walk-in Baths specialise in providing accessible bathrooms and specialist baths for people with restricted mobility. As a company providing a specialist service, their PPC advertising needed to target their demographic so as not to waste their budget on unnecessary clicks.

Google Ads were created for the Search Network to target people looking for assisted bathing solutions in residential properties across the UK. This was coupled with a Display Ads campaign targeting people who have searched for similar products or companies. By linking these campaigns to Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager we are able to track conversions and provide details on their ROI.

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Bespoke web design, SEO and PPC management for London based Estate Agency Cross-channel PPC campaigns for globally renowned children's play centre franchise New and improved PPC strategy for leading dental centre Google Ad campaigns for assisted bathing specialist
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