
Mental Health Awareness Week

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is happening from May 13th to 19th, and this year’s theme is ‘Movement: moving more for your mental health.’

Since 2001, the Mental Health Foundation has been leading Mental Health Awareness Week, bringing the UK together to focus on improving mental health. Every May, millions of people from all walks of life come together to take part.

This week is important for everyone. It’s about raising awareness of mental health and working towards positive change. It’s also a chance to talk openly about mental health, how we can take care of our minds and why it’s crucial to seek support when we’re struggling.

Mental health issues affect individuals, families and communities deeply. While conditions such as depression and anxiety are more widely recognised, it’s important to recognise the broad spectrum of mental health challenges individuals may encounter. Raising awareness can break down barriers to mental health care and create an environment where people feel encouraged to seek the help and support they need.

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week shines a light on the link between physical activity and mental well-being. Regular movement has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins, lifting our mood and improving sleep quality. Movement doesn’t have to be in the form of vigorous exercise; it can include any type of movement that brings joy. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll, gentle stretching or dancing around your living room, finding activities that make you happy is what matters.

But, moving more isn’t the only way to support your mental health. You can also:

  • Talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling.
  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
  • Spend time outdoors in nature.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated.
  • Get enough quality sleep each night.

At Priority Pixels, we take mental health seriously. We understand that mental health impacts all of us, and we’re dedicated to creating a supportive environment where individuals feel safe discussing their challenges. As a mindful employer, we signed the Mindful Employer Charter in 2021, demonstrating our commitment to promoting awareness, reducing stigma and supporting mental health initiatives both within our company and in the wider community.

Join us during Mental Health Awareness Week as we continue to raise awareness and advocate for mental well-being.

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